Introducing Boyds Map of the Pines XT


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Just made a fundamental change to the site code that should make it use less memory and perform better. Theoretically, it should reduce the memory used by the data maps by a factor of 4, which should make them update faster as you move the map. Have only tested briefly, but it seems to be working well, feels very fast at the moment. Let me know if you have any problems. If you do, (as usual) try clearing the cache.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Have added a new button to the full boydsmaps app (desktop version only). Click this and Pines XT should open in a new tab at the same map/location..


If your current view is 3d, it will switch to 2d/North up and 3d maps will be replaced with their 2d versions. As usual, browser cache issues might give you problems with this new code. Try clearing your cache if you don't see this button or have any problems.

Pines XT is still an experiment and it may eventually go away. If you find it useful - or if you have problems - let me know, I'm interested in your feedback. So far, there doesn't seem to be a lot of interest, but having a button in the main app should make it more accessible and maybe more people will check it out.
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