Is it ok to shoot dumpers?


Jan 15, 2013
Wish I could have caught this ahole in the act. Someone dumped two pickup loads of roofing shingles right in the middle of the road off of Johnson rd fairly recently.

Also called state park police while out there on Friday afternoon. Found a pile of 5 or 6 dead, mutilated animals dumped with some garbage on the side of Johnson rd. I initially thought they were dogs which is why I called. After they got there and moved some stuff around you could see they were raccoons and deer parts by their paws thank god. I was getting really angry/sick at the thought of that while I was waiting for a ranger.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
not only is this friggin disgusting they obviously are assholes,they blocked the road this makes them inconsiderate assholes as well. I wouldn't care if it was legal or not,thats why I don't carry a gun in the woods with me.Guns don't kill people....but I might.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
That is a pretty common technique. I found a big one a couple years back on the sand road off 539 next to Webbs Mill bog, roof shingles as this one. Easy on, easy off. Probably done at night. Almost all I have seen have been roofing debris. Weirdest dump I found was in Greenwood WMA, must have been 30 computer monitors laying right next to the sand road. I would expect to see a lot more once rebuilding from the October storm really gets under way. Hopefully the folks that should be watching, will be.

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
A few years ago I found a pretty sizable box of used oil filters along Stokes just after turning off of Hampton, oddly enough they were all one brand. Took pics and took the box with me and disposed of the filters properly and informed Atsion station. Second BobPBX's question, where is Johnson Road?


Jan 15, 2013
Johnson rd is on the west side of 206 south of atsion, just past that diner in the middle of nowhere and the old overgrown bogs. It's only about 2 miles long and tee's off at Fleming pike. The road it was dumped on is on the left side of Johnson rd and connects to Sandy causeway rd. Not sure of the name of it.

I agree most of the large dumps I've seen have been roofing materials or concrete. Wouldn't surprise me if it was the same person or people dumping all of them. A few years ago I found a pile of asbestos siding in the same area that has since been removed.


Jan 15, 2013
There are some insulated winter weight work gloves on top of the pile. May be a stretch but could probably get a DNA sample from it.

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
Ah, now I know where you are, very close to me, I used to use that little road all the time from Sandy Causeway to Johnson. Has the little bridge been fixed on Johnson after Parkdale?


Jan 15, 2013
No. Bridge still has the big pothole next to it. When I was there Friday the pond was up flowing over the road. Looked like the drainpipe under the bridge was plugged with debris.

That was the first time I've walked all the way to Sandy Causeway on that side road. I usually only walk a few hundred yards down with my climbing stand to hunt the trails coming out of the swamps. I found an old home site just before it meets up with Sandy Causeway. Two cellars, some old fence posts, and a set of concrete steps.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
That is a pretty common technique. I found a big one a couple years back on the sand road off 539 next to Webbs Mill bog, roof shingles as this one. Easy on, easy off. Probably done at night. Almost all I have seen have been roofing debris. Weirdest dump I found was in Greenwood WMA, must have been 30 computer monitors laying right next to the sand road. I would expect to see a lot more once rebuilding from the October storm really gets under way. Hopefully the folks that should be watching, will be.

I believe disposing of computer monitors legally is pretty hard and/or expensive because of the toxicity of the materials. I remember helping my friend's dad move his warehouse full of computer parts and he had to get a special dumpster to dispose of old CRTs.


Feb 14, 2009
Not toxic but off Bloody Ridge rd in Greenwood WMA in a small clearing is a pickup load of telephone books. My guess is they were paid to deliver, but just took the delivery $$ instead. They've been there for about a year that I know of. I guess a lot of people went without phone books. LOL.

Star Tree

Apr 28, 2011
No one will analysis DNA on dumping in the woods unless you find a body also! I’ve found a lot of good evidence just by taking the time to look. I’ve found mail, a truck registration and photos of a house which included a clear shot of a license plate on a parked car. That one led to the dumpers being charged and stuff cleaned up.
If you are going to try to look through trash, protect yourself, wear gloves and be prepared to cooperate with law enforcement if you find any thing good. It’s a hassle, but if you really hate dumping that’s what you do.
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Thats why they gate the roads,because people use the woods as their private dump.As I grew up I thought I would quit losing recess because other kids were acting up.Nope, it continues even to this day.