I was recently poring over some of Boyd's maps while doing some research and found something that I have never noticed. I saw that the creek linking the Wading and Bass rivers was named the Loveland Thorofare on some maps but on others it was known as the Isveland Thorofare. I thought that maybe Isveland was a simple spelling error due to the fact of its closeness in spelling to Loveland but it is found on a number of maps. The 1888 Cook, 1890 USGS, and the 1872 Beers topo maps as well as the 1890 Quad maps have it as either "Isvelands Thoro" or "Isveland Cr." while the earlier 1858 Kuhn map of Burlington County and the 1859 Sikes map have it as "Lovelands Thoro." I know the Loveland family loomed large in the area, hence the name of the thorofare, but any attempt to locate Isveland has not yielded any results. Is this a simple spelling error? Could this be an example of a "copyright trap?" I apologize in advance for my ignorance on this topic; I searched the forum to see if it has been discussed before and did a cursory search online but again found nothing. I'll put a screenshot of the maps that have it labeled as "Isveland" below.