Jersey Devil movie


yes, let's see, "going back to the 70's style" that's a dead (no pun intended) giveway that the story line will go something like this: kids car breaks down, they go for help, meet a wacky family, they're frightened, one person leaves the group and gets whacked, then antoher person gets seperated from the pack and , gets whacked, (geez they must be related to the red shirt guys from the original Star Trek series) one guy and one girl survive and get way, battered and bruised and alive, and then when they tell someone of what happened and return the house doesn't exist, so.... (cue spooky music) "did it really happen?????"

makeup on Mr.s Leeds looks pretty good, looks like it was shot on video not film, and what is with the Linda Blair from the Exorcist wannabe?

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
Awww nooo, I dont think I can take one as bad as that last mess. Makings are there for a really great film, unfortunately no one has found the recipe yet.


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
I can't figure it out-why can't the Jersey Devil "get his due." Bad pun I know. With all the success of Blair Witch and other horror films why can't a good director with a big budget and a decent special effects crew make scary-as-hell Jersey Devil movie?


Dec 11, 2005
Where did you get them eyes?????

Now that was one scarey JD-like movie....freaks me out whenever I hear that song.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Being a indie filmmaker myself, this topic immediately grabbed my attention and I had an idea - why doesn't everyone interested post their ideas as to what would make a great movie on the NJ Devil? What would you like to see in it? What do you think should happen? Etc...

I was thinking if enough people are interested, I could sit down and write everyone's collected ideas out (on my own or with anyone else) and we could potentially shoot the darn thing on my (actual film) equipment in the near future.



What you could do is set the movie in and around the lost town of Calico, in about 1810 or so. Have the people get killed by the devil; one here, two there etc. Then fast foward to today, and have present day people look for the lost town, and while they wonder about what happened to all the residents from 200 years ago (no traces left, and no history), their car gets stuck in the famous water hole in that area....and then......:jd:


Feb 19, 2004
White Haven, PA
How about making one that actually has to do with the JD legend, which is what 13th Child and the X-Files episode did not do. The Last Broadcast was alright but ultimately had nothing to do with the Jersey Devil...they just made you think it did.

And please, please, use specifics when necessary.....I chuckled when the kid in The Last Broadcast used a payphone and said he was on a road in the Pine Barrens, and the cops just happened to know where he was.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area

Nice photo. Reminds me of the house over by the Sooy Tavern Historic site near Birches Cranberry bogs just north of 532. I was walking by the big red farmhouse on that road that is north of 532 from the "meadows" road. There was a woman (standing) in a dress in the upper bedroom looking at me as I walked by. As I looked at her and thought how creepy it was, the vision faded away. I am serious, it really seemed to just fade away, and the house did not look lived in.