Kayaking nightmare


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I took today off from work and along with a man I work with we went kayaking from Hawkins Bridge to Evans Bridge. I had never traveled that river and never will again. The trip is only three hours which was slightly shorted than we really wanted. The river is nice but relatively boring compared to Oswego to Harrisville. If you want a straight run without any obstacles this is the river for you. There is an interesting wooden dam towards the end. But the real reason why I would not do it again is because you pass the campgrounds of Godfrees Bridge and Wading Pines.

We were passing Wading Pines and there were two men with a boy and girl swimming and swinging on a rope swing. As we passed the boy asked us if we liked the Eagles, and as usual I said no. I thought that was the end of it but I was wrong. He swam across the stream and started running along the edge of the river and passed us and climbed back into the river ahead of us. He was abut 10 years old and that kept him from being killed by us! He again asked us if we like the Eagles and we said nothing. So he started throwing water at my coworker getting him and his camera soaked. The boy was fortunate he was in the kayak. He then turned on me and asked me if I liked the Eagles, and I told him I would tell him after I passed. He threw a small amount of water on me and then grabbed the handle on the end of the kayak and held me back. I turned around and told him to let go, and he complied and headed back down the river. All the while the men said nothing to him. Maybe they were not his relatives.

Going by those campgrounds makes that river a bust.



Jul 18, 2003
Sparta, NJ
No offense to other Eagle Fans but most fans of the NFL know all too well that the Eagle Fans are bad news. In Veterans stadium there's a courthouse (in the stadium) where Eagles fans are fined on the spot for their poor behavior.

I remember one story that was aired on Inside the NFL showing how undercover police were dressing in uniforms from other teams to catch these cretins.


So sorry to hear about your experience and thanks for the warning.

Ken (njvike)

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Damn, I thought the kid was talking about the 1970s band The Eagles. When I was 10 I loved "Hotel California" although I still don't get the supposed "satanic overtones" that it has.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Maybe that kid had listened the the Eagles, and he understood the satanic overtones? One will never know. But if I see him again I will crush satan!

Anyway, here is one of the tranquil moments I had even though I have some strange facial expression.




Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It was before that. It is just one of those odd looks that you get caught with once in a while. Some would say my normal look :)
