I was flipping through my copy of "Place Names of Ocean County" when I saw this. Have you ever heard of it?
I was flipping through my copy of "Place Names of Ocean County" when I saw this. Have you ever heard of it?
Keiths LIne - For George Keith, who drew the line defining the boundary between the provinces of East and West New Jersey. (See introd. pg 3.) This division line has more recently been called the Old Province Line.
Nine years after the Quintipartite Deed was approved, the East Jersey proprietors, who had succeded into the posession of Cartaret's holdings, appointed George Keith as Surveyer General. He, at their behest, began to survey the line dividing the two provinces. This line, now known as Keiths Line or the Province Line, was to run from the north side of Little Egg Harbor "on a streight lyne to Delaware river north north west and fifty minutes more westerly accoriding to natural position. Actually Keith continued the line only as far north as the South Branch of the Raritan River. It served as the western boundary of Ocean County until 1891 when Little Egg Harbor Township was added. Today this line constitutes the western boundary of Eagleswood Township, a southern municipality of the county, and continues as the county boundary from the northwestern extremity of this township. The linedescribed in the Quintipartite Deed is also in effect today, serving as the eastern boundary of Plumstead Township, which lies in the northwestern corner of the county.