Looking for Noise Canceling Headphones


Mar 25, 2007
Looking for Noise Canceling Headphones - I live on a somewhat busy road. I don't need
them for music. Any suggestions.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I have tinnitus which is permanent ringing of the ears from turning up the volume of my headphones to hear them over the machines at work. I have not been able to use headphones in 15 years because of this, and suffer with it every waking moment. Anyway, the owner of the company I work for purchased a Bose noise canceling headphone, and I was able to walk around the shop wearing them to see if they canceled the sounds of the machines. They were amazing! One flip of the switch and almost every sound was gone. Unfortunately, the $200 price was more than I wanted to spend. A friend of mine let me try another brand he purchased for $50 to use on an airplane ride to California. They were nice, but didn't come close to the Bose.

If you are serious about this spend the money and get the Bose. The pair I tried was the larger ones that cover the ear completely. Some of the newer models are much smaller and just sit on the ear, and I am uncertain if they would work as well. When I was seeing the doctor for the stick in my ear drum I asked him if the noise canceling headphones are safe, and he said if you can't hear a sound there is no damage done.

