I've already let it be known that I am clueless regarding technology. If I screw this up royally, I do apologize. I'm guessing you all probably know about this disgusting site (LF-HC). 3 foot tall bonfire cinder cone; beer bottles and cans strewn everywhere; underwear, socks, other random textiles; condoms; a stockpile of wood pallets for future debauchery. Wooden chairs from somebody's old family kitchen; wrecked sand thanks to joyriding a-holes;
Why can't the park police do something (for example, show up every Friday and Saturday night at this known site once in a while until they inevitably bust someone here)? And then clean it up. I'll help.
Why do I worry when I stealth camp, solo, with no fire, no tent and zero impact (at other places, not here of course) because I want to be alone and listen to the frogs, birds, and insects? Because I'm a fool, a sucker, what?
Why can't the park police do something (for example, show up every Friday and Saturday night at this known site once in a while until they inevitably bust someone here)? And then clean it up. I'll help.
Why do I worry when I stealth camp, solo, with no fire, no tent and zero impact (at other places, not here of course) because I want to be alone and listen to the frogs, birds, and insects? Because I'm a fool, a sucker, what?
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