Map software question.

Hey all, newby here. Just found this great site. :chug: It's nice to know I'm not the only nut who likes to explore the Pines.
I have question that I hope someone can answer. This past weekend I bought the Magellan 'Meridian GPS'. Just learning it but so far so good. I've had DeLorme 'Topo USA' mapping program for some time now and really like it but cannot up-load map data to the Meridian. I can do waypoints and routes though. In searching for good prices for Magellan's 'MapSend Topo' I've come across some pretty bad reviews of it. question is: Is any one here familiar with this program or does anyone know if there are other programs that can up-load map data to the Meridian? Sorry for the long 1st post.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Hey Behr655 --

I have TopoUSA as well (but a really old version) and can't upload it to my Garmin GPSV. TopoUSA was designed to be run off a laptop with a serial connection to a GPS.

Mapsend Topo is probably like what Garmin's Topo software is like. When I asked the sales rep at Garmin about it, she steered me away from it. Apparently it isn't very high resolution.

Your best bet would be to get a cheap laptop with a CD-ROM and bring it with you. I installed a power inverter in my Jeep for the sole purpose of powering my laptop on extended trips.

On the other hand, the Americas Autoroute software that came with my GPSV seems to have a LOT of the sand roads in the Pine Barrens listed. I can actually use it to autoroute me to Nash's Cabin from my house, or any number of other out of the way places.

I will probably end up buying copies of the latest paper maps though. Sometimes all of the wires running around in my Jeep make it to be just too much work. :)
Thanks for the reply bruset. The pre-load maps in the Meridian show nada when in the Pines. I mean not even Quaker Bridge Rd. Come on already! Serves me right for not researching further before I bought it. I like your idea of the laptop. I had already thought of that but was trying to go el cheapo. Oh well. :roll:

This is a great site. I think I'm going to enjoy it here. I'll post up some pix when I get a chance.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Don't get me wrong, sometimes the roads don't show up. Clay Mine Rd, where we are meeting for our outing on the 15th, doesn't show up, which means that I have to use my laptop back there.

It looks like your GPS has a basemap of North America, like mine. Have you downloaded any of the street level maps?

That should get you to about where I am with mine. However on mine, I only have Monmouth County and South stored on mine, and it takes up the full 19MB. Your GPS only has 2MB, but you can buy a SD card for $50 and get 16mb extra.

I love my GPS though. It's saved me more than once.
I have the 16mb SD card. If I got the MapSend Topo I could up-load selections of map data so I would not fill up the card. My concern is the bad reviews I've read. Reports of weak maps and tracks not appearing where they should. :(
On my 1st outing with it this weekend I loaded up some waypoints and printed out some maps from Topo USA and made out pretty well until the snow stopped us.
Here's a pix off Rt206 just south of Quaker Bridge on Park Rd. We were heading for Batsto but turned back. :(



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

Make sure you are with your friend, or have a winch when driving in the snow out there. We traveled alone, and without a winch I would have walked half of the time I was out there.




Magellan MapSend Topo update:

I finally broke down and got it. I must say I am very pleased with it. I've up-loaded all of S. Jersey to my Maridian and still have room for 3 more regions if I need them.
The software as used on the computer is rather weak in my opinion. The maps are low resolution and the interface sucks. However, the data I've put on my GPS is more than sufficient. It displays most, if not all, of the roads and trails in the Pines. When I'm using the S. Jersey data base I can click on 'GoTo' and get a short list of features and desinations in the area I'm in. I can also scroll to an area or location I want to go to and set a 'GoTo'.
As far as my initial fears that the map was not accurate are concerned, I'm very satisfied with it. While tracking with it in real time it seems very accurate. When I down-load the tracks to the program it has shown me off the trail sometimes but not by much. I've had the same results when down-loading to Delorme's TopoUSA.

An interesting note:
When you take the hard left after Quaker Bridge towards Lower Forge and go straight (actually veer right) past the no vehical signs the road you are on does not show on MapSend. Nor does it show on TopoUSA. This road will take you towards Tuckerton Rd. There is a left you can make shortly before Tuckerton that will take you to Devious.
