Marker Hunting, and a Hampton Furnace Mystery!


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

Today we went searching again for stone or cement markers, and found this Burlington/Atlantic County marker in the woods west of the JCRR near Atsion. It is only 250 feet from the tracks but very well hidden.

From there we visited Fleming Pike on a tip of a location, and I am not yet sure if what happened here is what I think happened. I need to find out if where I was is the correct location.

From there we searched for two stones that I believe were placed there by C. W. Rockwood in most likely 1898.

And this one had the same inscription on it but as you can see it has been damaged by a vehicle or a frustrated hunter.

Switching gears, I received a tip from a friend of mine, who wrote me recently about something he noticed at Hampton Furnace. (Hampton Furnace lovers might want to check this out)

In his email he mentioned that if you are facing the ruins from the road, just to the left of them is a mound of what appears to be dirt.

Here it is to jog your memory.

He has explored that area before, but while there recently he noticed that a groundhog had burrowed a hole into the side of the mound, and what he had removed was very interesting to him. It was not dirt that came out but charcoal! The mound is made of charcoal, and he was wondering if that was the charcoal pit that fueled the furnace. He feels the charcoal goes quite deep into the mound so that it is more than an ordinary charcoal burn.

Any comments or idea's?



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I forgot to mention that when we were heading to Hampton Furnace on the road from 206, I came upon a deer very quickly on my side of the road. I was driving.

It was facing us and turned and started running right along side of me. I jammed on the brakes just as it had accelerated and reached the front of my car, when it turned right in front of me. I slammed into it as it was passing in front of me, and it tumbled to the ground and off to the right.

We were crossing one of the little bridges on that road, and the deer flipped over the bridge and flew through the air landing about 6 feet down in the swamp on it's side. With one roll it was up and gone in seconds. I backed up and there were black skid marks completely across the bridge. I jumped out and checked out my car, and other than the dirt missing in spots on the bumper, and a bent license plate, we were fine.

So if you are in the area soon look for the skid marks.

Looks like you had a productive day. Were they as hard to get to as the one we found?
Re: Hampton Furnace. It makes sense to me that it would be the fuel for the furnace.

Re: The deer. It sounds like you were both lucky. Hope the little fella is not hurt.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BEHR655 said:
Looks like you had a productive day. Were they as hard to get to as the one we found?
Re: Hampton Furnace. It makes sense to me that it would be the fuel for the furnace.

Re: The deer. It sounds like you were both lucky. Hope the little fella is not hurt.

They were easy to get to.

It would be interesting to know what others think if they check out the charcoal in the future. In the distance photo you can see that it looks like some of it was dug up, so maybe it was just a charcoal pit and not all of it was removed. I really don't know.

I actually drove by it today but did not check it out. I was in a hurry to try to catch a sunset that I ended up not finding a good place to photo. I also did not see your skid marks on the bridge. I guess I was going too fast. LOL



Jan 2, 2003
This fall I've been feeding a groundhog an occasional ear of corn, over by the big bridge. I noticed him scampering around early in the morning. I enjoy seeing a friend there. I hope noone kills him for the fun of it. Speaking of the joy of killing, on Carranza road just before the monument someone left the bodies of 7 Canadian Geese. They've been there all week for passers by to enjoy. The woods are presently full of (*)s.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
ecampbell said:
This fall I've been feeding a groundhog an occasional ear of corn, over by the big bridge. I noticed him scampering around early in the morning. I enjoy seeing a friend there. I hope noone kills him for the fun of it. Speaking of the joy of killing, on Carranza road just before the monument someone left the bodies of 7 Canadian Geese. They've been there all week for passers by to enjoy. The woods are presently full of (*)s.

Steve posted pictures of them. Now we know they have been there all week. I hope what I said happens to them does!



Oct 19, 2004
Belleplain, NJ
I saw that pile of geese out near the Carranza Memorial; we were out letterboxing. Damn shame, and I had to try to explain it to the kids why some a** would do that...