Marker in the woods where 3 counties meet, Ocean, Burlington, and Atlantic


Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
Oh, about the intersection of Atlantic, Gloucester and Cumberland Counties – you mean Royalton, a little-known c.1891 Jewish agricultural settlement. It was one of at least 18 Pinelands back-to-the-land schemes to be hatched along a railway. I was told by an eye witness that shacks existed into the '40s when they were torn apart for salvage wood used to make packing crates and pallets.

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I"ve always wondered if anything was here. Just haven't drug my lazy self out there to look yet.

I went to look for the junction of Cumberland, Gloucester, and Atlantic Counties today as I was driving down Wheat Rd in Vineland. It happens to be in the parking lot of Wheat Road Golf. Al, I think the marker you placed is actually the boundary of Monroe Township. I'm going to go back tomorrow and speak with the owner of the golf course and see if they know precisely where the junction is and inquire about putting a marker there. All that is noticeable in the lot is a red cedar. As advisor of the History Club over at Vineland High School, maybe I can make that a goal for my students and use school funds to put a marker there; if not, maybe NJPB would like to get together and figure a way to put something there?? Seems like a spot that should be recognized, but that might just be personal subjectivity and hyperbole.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I have a small stone inscriber and have always thought of making some markers myself and putting them at the corners of topos that fall on state land. Even a tri county marker would be interesting.I wouldn't be surprised if you nav to the spot and there isn't something alrady there on that one. The topo shows nothing but that could be an omission error.Also I"m using My Topo. some of the older topos show Benchmarks that My Topo does not so it might be worth checking the older ones. And yes the junction i have wanted to check is where the Franklin/Monroe twp line hits the Atlantic County line.It appears to be quite a hike and possibly a rough one at that and I'm not sure on the property status.I think it may be a tresspass.I"d have to check that out again before attempting.