Medford deal gives 400 acres to township


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Well I have mixed feelings on this one. I'm glad they're preserving "cow point," but not happy about that development next to Ockanickon. If I understand the parcels correctly, they will be preserving cleared farm fields in exchange for cutting down almost 100 acres of woods. If so, then that's disturbing, and it just shows how little regard people really have for the pinelands - but that should come as no big surprise sadly. And we have Bob Meyer telling us about "preserving the rural nature of the township"????? WTF... :confused:

I wonder what it means when they say "Medford plans to use the land for recreation?" Will they take more tax dollars and build another soccer field there maybe?

The part about the Medford Lakes sewer system is fascinating. I lived in Medford Lakes for several years. IIRC they stopped the development of other homes in Medford Pines by not allowing them to connect totheir sewage system which they said was at capacity (maybe I have that wrong?) But now that they need money to rebuild the dams, suddenly they can handle 110 more homes? I must have all this mixed up in my mind. Hmm...


Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
There's an article in today's Central Record about this. It says they expect the approvals to take 18 months. It also says they are unclear on what upgrades to the Medford Lakes sewage system will be required. The 98 acre property near Camp Ockanickon where Bob Meyer wants to build 110 homes is only zoned for 67 homes, so they will need to get a variance.

No doubt they will succeed in this, as they always do. But that's really too bad - not even 1 acre per home. It will really change the character of that whole stretch of road and add a lot of new traffic. But everyone is so happy about preserving cow point (where the cows are long gone anyway) that this seems to only be a footnote. Sad.

From the article: "Meyer acknowledged that his company obviously stands to profit from the deal, but said that 'as a resident' he wanted 'what was best' for the township.' :rolleyes:

The article also mentions the new development at Eayrestown Rd which will be on both sides of Rt 70. Here's an article about that. Glad I live on the other end of town.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The developing of Route 70 is going to ruin that road for sure. I do everything I can to avoid it as it is now. I think this part of the article shows their mentality best.

Freedman said he hasn't signed any tenants, but is committed to his aggressive construction schedule.

"Everybody tells me I'm out of my mind," he said, "but I'm not waiting."

Medford as we know it is doomed!



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Heh, there's an article in today's Central Record "Residents oppose development deal." Evidently a lot of people are unhappy with the Bob Meyer deal which includes building 110 homes on a parcel zoned for only 67, and connecting them to the Medford Lakes sewer system. This looks like it will turn into quite a controversy.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Boyd said:
Heh, there's an article in today's Central Record "Residents oppose development deal." Evidently a lot of people are unhappy with the Bob Meyer deal which includes building 110 homes on a parcel zoned for only 67, and connecting them to the Medford Lakes sewer system. This looks like it will turn into quite a controversy.


Lets see how this plays out!



May 18, 2004
I can hardly stand to read about this. Is the Peacock cemetery going to be surrounded by townhouses? And they'll get rid of the 'gas station' around the corner on 70 - love those fuel prices, especially for the leaded. I'll bet that the Evergreen Dairy Bar isn't going to fit into that landscape.

Road widening, anchor stores jughandles, but don't worry because everything will be done in a tasteful colonial motif!


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I agree with all that, however the story I just posted isn't about that development. It's about the preservation of "cow point" in exchange for putting a 110 home development across Stokes Road from the Y camps. In order to accomplish this the developer needs Medford Lakes' permission to connect to their sewer system, and he would pay a fee which would help defray the cost of rebuilding their dams which were destroyed last summer in the flood.

Complicated trade offs there. But I think if development is inevitable I'd rather see the woods on Stokes Road preserved instead of an open field at cow point. But as the article points out, the developer already has approval to build 67 homes on the site by the Y camps, so I guess the chainsaws are gonna roar there no matter what...


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Gerania said:
Is the Peacock cemetery going to be surrounded by townhouses? And they'll get rid of the 'gas station' around the corner on 70 - love those fuel prices, especially for the leaded.

I stopped into the gas station this morning and took photo's of it. I am sure it won't be there long.



May 18, 2004
I am all turned around here. I thought that the development was going to be on or near Rt. 70. Where, precisely, is Cow Point? I just read an article which stated that it was also off of Stokes Rd,; I thought that it further north.

Boyd said:
I agree with all that, however the story I just posted isn't about that development. It's about the preservation of "cow point" in exchange for putting a 110 home development across Stokes Road from the Y camps. In order to accomplish this the developer needs Medford Lakes' permission to connect to their sewer system, and he would pay a fee which would help defray the cost of rebuilding their dams which were destroyed last summer in the flood.


May 18, 2004
TeeGate said:
I stopped into the gas station this morning and took photo's of it. I am sure it won't be there long.


I think that I'll do that too. It'll be gone before I know it.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Gerania said:
I am all turned around here. I thought that the development was going to be on or near Rt. 70. Where, precisely, is Cow Point?

There are so many developments that you're confusing them! :eek:

The massive development on both sides of Rt 70 is "Medford Crossings." See the following:

Cow point is being preserved from development. It's the V-shaped field between Stokes and Branin Roads here:,0.024135589599609375&t=h&hl=en

As part of that deal they are able to do some development on the West side of Stokes Rd just opposite Cow Point. But the controversial tract is further South between Stokes and Tuckerton Roads, opposite the Y camps. Not sure of the exact location, but it's somewhere around here:,0.024135589599609375&t=h&hl=en

This is the tract originally approved for sixty-some houses but the Cow Point deal would permit construction of over 100 by connecting them to Medford Lakes' sewage system and eliminating the need for septic tanks.


May 18, 2004
Thanks Boyd for clearing that up for me. I like Cow Point. My son refers to it as the 'Twister' field because it reminds him of the movie. Now I know what you mean about the saving of farmland yet cutting down trees.

Hasn't the land along Hawkin Road been saved from development as well? I think something was said about that in the road paving posts.

Gillian.....starting to untwist