Well I have mixed feelings on this one. I'm glad they're preserving "cow point," but not happy about that development next to Ockanickon. If I understand the parcels correctly, they will be preserving cleared farm fields in exchange for cutting down almost 100 acres of woods. If so, then that's disturbing, and it just shows how little regard people really have for the pinelands - but that should come as no big surprise sadly. And we have Bob Meyer telling us about "preserving the rural nature of the township"????? WTF...
I wonder what it means when they say "Medford plans to use the land for recreation?" Will they take more tax dollars and build another soccer field there maybe?
The part about the Medford Lakes sewer system is fascinating. I lived in Medford Lakes for several years. IIRC they stopped the development of other homes in Medford Pines by
not allowing them to connect totheir sewage system which they said was at capacity (maybe I have that wrong?) But now that they need money to rebuild the dams, suddenly they can handle 110 more homes? I must have all this mixed up in my mind. Hmm...