Menantico Ponds Walk -Saturday, August 27, 2011

I go out on these trip and highly recommend them. Mike is very knowledgable and points out flora and fauna as well as history of the areas we walk.

Menantico Ponds Walk
will happen on Saturday, August 27, 2011

When: Where:

Saturday, August 27, 2011
11:00 AM

Menantico Ponds
3076 E Main St
Millville, NJ 08332


Price: $3.00 per person

Please join South Jersey Land and Water Trust staff member Michael Hogan for a guided tour of the Menantico Ponds Wildlife Management Area. The 300-acre Menantico Ponds Wildlife Management Area is a large former sand mining site. With many crystal clear ponds that drain into the Menantico Creek, a tributary of the Maurice River, the area contains habitat for many rare plants and animals. There are many trails that follow the Menantico Creek and ponds. Michael will discuss the area's flora and fauna and SJLWT projects; he will also demonstrate a macro invertebrate assessment at the pond. The trail may be wet; please wear appropriate footwear. Bring insect repellent, camera, binoculars and a packed lunch.

Expect to hike about 3-4 miles.
Directions: Take Rt. 55 south to the Rt. 49 exit, and turn left/east to take Rt. 49 East approximately 2 miles. Make a right turn onto dirt entrance road at Menantico Ponds Wildlife Management Area sign. We will meet at the entrance road at Rt. 49.
Look for Mike’s silver pickup truck next to the sign.
Last public rest room is at the Wawa gas station on Rt. 49 just west of Rt. 55. Please RSVP. Free SJLWT members. $3 per nonmember. For more information and maps contact Michael Hogan at 609-476-2086 or



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Good one Boyd! Fits right into Al's post. Lucky for Al the only thing Mike will do is take a photo :D



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
If I've been there? I practically live there! I wandered that place day and night all through the 80's and early 90's.That place is beautiful.There is one very old cellar hole that apparently used to be the dwelling for whoever ran Clarks Mill and some of the nicest open piney grass glades with false heather included in all the Barrens.The ponds themselves go from crystal clear further from menantico stream to darker as you get close to the creek.Must be from mud on the bottom because the stream water itself is crystal clear.I know a small coldwater stream further downstream that has to be cleaned out before drinking because it is at tide level but once cleaned out is great water.As you enter the area it is mostly open oak but to the south and east it is pine barrens especially as you work your way into manumuskin preserve which lies east and south of Menantico WMA and there are some awesome cellar holes and chimneys standing over along manumuiskin creek.A very nice area.Back when all this was private it had less visitors.Now that it's state there is more people but you don't have to be sneakt going there:)
I think I may have been thee before Al. I went out wth the Nature Conservancy on their property and we ended up at some large ponds, they water was beautiful. We came upon a sandstone chimmey and foundation near the waters edge of a stream. There was an old reailroad with an old train parked ther. Would this be the same property? Anyway I would love to see it this time of year, there is always something different blooming. And I live to study the plants.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
yes dragonfly they often leave trains on the tracks just south of the chimneys.The NC tried to buy the tracks from the sand companies so they could shut em down but the sand company in port elizabeth still occasionally uses it and refused to sell.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Al, I noticed that one of the pits was dug directly in the middle of Menantico Creek. Whoever did they, even if long ago, should be drawn and quartered. At the very least spend time in jail. That is a crime against humanity.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Al, I noticed that one of the pits was dug directly in the middle of Menantico Creek. Whoever did they, even if long ago, should be drawn and quartered. At the very least spend time in jail. That is a crime against humanity.
Bob yes it was a sin no doubt when it was done but it has actually created a beautiful paradise now with much more wildlife then would be in a near sterile landlocked pit.You can canoe through the area and look down 20 ft and watch turtles as clear as if they were next to you.There used to be a small shack on one of the islands that was there into the 80's.You can still see the stone walkway at least you could last time i wason the island and the remains of a dock.This area is a real gem ,it is ashame that since the state bought it it is now hard to get away from people on the water itself in good weather.I used to go out there before the state bought it and outside of nighttime parties hardly anyone went there.I know the ponds have been there since at least the 30's according to historical aerilas but even today there are desert areas sparsely covered with heather and some bare.The state tries to keep ATV's off these areas with limited success.If not for the bikes I'm sure they would be woodland by now.


Aug 24, 2012
I just can't believe all the idiots who try to swim here and leave their trash. They ruin it for everyone. They do not "respect the land" as you would say. It has gotten so out of hand that they actually have "volunteer" clean up days. Beer cans, boxes, trash, and litter can be found all over the place. It is very sad. These places are a treasure to New Jersey. Ahhhh. Just had to get it off my chest!


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I've swam in probably every sand hole out there and I never leave trash.Stepped on some broken glass in my time and would love to put a hurtin on whoever left it.Why would a person trash their own swimmin hole? Moronic drunks no doubt.
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Aug 24, 2012
most people are selfish and retarded! You know that!! Absolutely no respect for the land. It is getting out of hand though.

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
Took my little Bass boat to Menantico Ponds and fished there for the first time ever on Saturday. I caught largemouth bass, stripped bass, pickerel, yellow perch, white perch, and bluegill. That's the biggest variety of fish I have ever caught in a single spot in one trip. SWEET!

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
my friends Dad caught the Biggest bass on state record back in 85 at menantico and the record still stands.

It says in that article that prior to catching that state record largemouth bass, he lost a big fish in Menantico that snapped his line when it dove. I had the same thing happen to me out there, but it was a monster pickerel, not a bass. Got it right up to the boat and thought, "Holy cow! Look at the size of this thing." Then it dove down and-snap! went my 8lb fireline. I'll be a little more careful to set my drag looser next time.[/quote]


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
Took my little Bass boat to Menantico Ponds and fished there for the first time ever on Saturday. I caught largemouth bass, stripped bass, pickerel, yellow perch, white perch, and bluegill. That's the biggest variety of fish I have ever caught in a single spot in one trip. SWEET!

Nice! Sounds like a good trip! I have wanted to fish it for a long time but never have. I know the state record largemouth was caught there, but always wondered how the fishing was in general. The striped bass, was it a hybrid or a true fresh water striper? The hybrid looks like a white perch with stripes.

I have only been to Menantico once. Al was our guide for the day, the best guide to have for the area. His knowledge of the area is extensive. He could walk those woods backwards with his eyes closed and know where he is at! Very beautiful area.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Thanks Chris:)
We barely touched the ponds themselves on that trip,at least the Menantico ponds though we did get a good look at the ponds further southeast.menantico ponds are truly a paradise.Islands all over the place and i have many times looked down into the water and seen snappers glide by twenty feet down.