Meteors! (was: René-Levasseur Island)


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Very cool Bob! Here it is on my North America Terrain map


When I was a kid, back in the 1960's, my grandparents lived in Arizona. Got them to take me to the meteor crater back then and loved it, I may even have a photo buried away somewhere. It's pretty small (~4000 ft diameter) compared to the Canadian ones.


Looks cool on the Mapbox/MAXAR 3d map
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
By the way, at one point that Pinguluit crater was touted as having the most pure water on earth. And it's so clean it does not have enough minerals to keep the Artic grayling formed right. They have skinny bodies and big heads.
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Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
Hey all,

Sorry for the slow response. I find the land-surface of the Pine Barrens intriguing. That includes the terrain here by Bennetts Mill, which is very old and full of lore. I’ve written about the spungs (dark spots below) in the new book manuscript, which are collectively called the Parsons Ponds. This is Parsonstown. The earlier name for the area is Canute Neck when the Swedes and Finns were there.

I spent much time at Bennetts Mill as a kid, playing at the ruins around Sam Wicks house down to the Stone Hole. The last use of the millpond was cranberry growing. The Manumuskin River headed at our farm on Calf Pasture Branch at a series of spungs collectively called Calfs Head at Buckhorn. The ancient Tuckahoe Road passed through our farm on its way to the Cape, cresting the spung rims of Calfs Head. Swedes and Finns were already there by the mid eighteen century but left little records—just tar-kiln remains.

Below is a slide excerpted from a talk on local trails that shows many of the toponyms there. The N–S Blue Anchor (Mattocks) trail went through multiple realignments, connecting with the Long-a-Coming at Inskeeps Ford and the Old Cape Trail at Cumberland Furnace. The E–W trail was the Bear Trail connecting Mays Landing with Leamings Mill. Bears Heads are the head ponds on multiple Bear Branches along this byway.

Screen Shot 2022-08-04 at 1.44.19 PM.png

As for extraterrestrial strikes, we are in the infancy of understanding their terrestrial abundance. The Pine Barrens is full of provocative markers, the detritus of earlier impacts or near misses that disintegrated in the atmosphere. They are here but difficult to date and interpret as the Pine Barrens region is sediment starved. It’s an erosional badlands where earlier landscapes have been washed and blown away. It is most likely not a strike crater remnant. However, it may be remotely possible that an air burst may have some part in this story. It is unusual for the otherwise straight high-energy snowmelt-driven Ice Age channel of the Manumuskin to make such an arc around Canute Neck then continue straight on. But there are multiple ways for this to have happened that need to be discounted first. I’ve seen lots of pretty convincing structures claimed impact related that weren’t. Don’t bet the farm on this one.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
"It is a prominent, near-perfect circular arc, covering more than 160° of a 450-km-diameter circle"

That would have been a really big meteor!
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