The state needs to be more concerned about the problems that beavers are causing. We just can just let them work freely without some sort of control. They have ruined so many streams.
Fish and Wildlife is very well aware of the beaver problems and they issue nuisance permits rather easily during the trapping seasons. Hewey's buddy piled them up like cord wood this year with a nuisance permit up north.
One problem is that there aren't that many trappers in the State.
When I got my license there were only 600 trappers in NJ. In 1979 there were 4,400 statewide.
They can't explain it but there is a new interest in trapping and the number is now up to just over a 1000 for the first time in years.
Trapping is hard work, time consuming and requires daily checks of the trapline regardless of weather conditions. The prices on beaver are way down and the prep time for just one beaver pelt takes hours. The people that do it do it because they enjoy it, not for the money.
I don't think it's practical to expect "The State" to go out and trap beaver on our dime.