Mischief Night Ghost hunt

Oct 5, 2007
Hey everyone. I know this is short notice, but I'm planning and excuting a ghost hunt at the Pinelands Church and into the woods on Friday Oct. 30th. I have several books on the Pines but no luck recalling the places I told myself to remember. The other parties involved wants to go to Brigatine so a path in that direction would be helpful.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I think we need more information. Which Pinelands Church? (so we know the location) There are a few. How far did you want to travel? How old are the kids involved?

Oct 5, 2007
no kids all adults, heading out toward Brigatine like in the first post. Starting at the Pleasant Mills-Batsto Pinelands church not Green Bank's. Thats what I need is info, if someone gives me a point of interest I can put on my list. You guys have the heavy advantage of being out there for years, I'm reading and learning alot on the "Iron Age" and I'm sure there is good 'hunting' around the old furnaces, but due to my lack of actually going leaves my itinerary open and empty. Any personal experiences involving the old iron towns. Violent deaths = spirit activity.


Sep 30, 2008
Greetings. My advice to your group would be to try to restrict your activities to fairly early in the evening, especially if your venture is planned for a night known for troublemaking and nonsense. Some folks are on high alert due to recent acts of vandalism directed at both cemeteries and public areas locally and wouldn't hesitate for a second to call the police if there was the slightest hint of something suspicious going on, myself included. That would probably be a bit if a buzzkill.
Oct 5, 2007
That alone is a sad indicator of the state of things today. I heard about Apple Pie Hill and that sickens me. Respect means nothing to kids today, probably because they never had to EARN a thing in thier life.
The Inns and Taverns in the woods is where I'd like to start. I'd like to stay near Batsto, Quaker Bridge, Washington. I'd LOVE to stay away from the punks, but I'm sure the older the resident the better chance I have of talking to a police officer.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I agree with Pandot that mischief night is probably the worst night to go visiting these places. I recall that one of the SF rules is no one is premitted after dusk. Thankfully, this is a very relaxed rule. However, if there was ever a time it would be enforced it would probably be mischief night.

Most of the usual places of interest like Leeds point and Indian cabin road are going to be filled with troublemakers and kids. Taking heed to the previous paragraph, Quaker Bridge might be a good spot in itself. Alledgedly, a number of Quakers had drown there (ghosts?) also, I seem to recall in some of my literature reading about a suspected cemetary near the bridge. I don't believe it was ever uncovered but is suspected to be there by a historian. All remains would have vanished to time now.

Some stories have it that Joe Mulliner was hung at crowley town, (not historically accurate) but they close the gate at dusk.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Oct 5, 2007
Quaker Bridge is on the list, Thanks Guys! I'll post any pics that turn out. Hopefully the clouds will cooperate and break up so the moon light shines through. All Hallows Eve is when the spirits are closest to our realm (if you believe that stuff and I do, got a few in MY house). I'm going to try to talk to them, using a method called era clues (as in "Ghost Lab" tues at 10 on Discovery, sorry for the plug). I can't imagine going out there and NOT catch or feel or touch SOMETHING. I will be cautious and will be on the lookout for 'mischief'!
Oct 5, 2007
looks like a small group of three, so we're just going to stay at the cementary. CAN'T risk going to QB with one vehicle. Thanks for the suggestions on where to stay away from! Maybe St. Mary's too. Heres to getting good pics!
Red you know ANY history of Gibbsboro? I found evidence of houses where the Bike Paths are in town. Wondering if you know about them . One in particular interests me. One path is along side of a hill (not blueberry) and I can clearly see stones lined up in a straight line. Near it is what looks like to me a cellar hole. I have pictures but you cant really tell the depth in the pics. Do you come up here often? If so I'd like to show you where it's at.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I don't often bring this up because it was a long time ago, and when I think of it I literally shiver. Cooper Branch is a small tributary of Bisphams Creek in Lebanon State Forest. It eventually runs into the Rancoacas. My first true exploration in 1976 was to walk down the center of Cooper Branch by starting out by the Lebanon Glassworks, and following it down to Pakim Pond. We were halfway down when I heard the shrieking cry of a woman. It was very loud and clear, and definitely not an owl. It sounded like a mixture of anguish and anger. I was very uncomfortable as it was dusk and the cedars were closed in tight against me. I had on hip boots and could not really move fast.

I never went back, and to this day I cannot explain it.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I don't often bring this up because it was a long time ago, and when I think of it I literally shiver. Cooper Branch is a small tributary of Bisphams Creek in Lebanon State Forest. It eventually runs into the Rancoacas. My first true exploration in 1976 was to walk down the center of Cooper Branch by starting out by the Lebanon Glassworks, and following it down to Pakim Pond. We were halfway down when I heard the shrieking cry of a woman. It was very loud and clear, and definitely not an owl. It sounded like a mixture of anguish and anger. I was very uncomfortable as it was dusk and the cedars were closed in tight against me. I had on hip boots and could not really move fast.

I never went back, and to this day I cannot explain it.

That's pretty freaky, Bob. I can imagine it and it gives me chills.


Jan 13, 2006
...I heard the shrieking cry of a woman. It was very loud and clear, and definitely not an owl. It sounded like a mixture of anguish and anger...

I was "bandit camping" in the pines a few years back and heard something similar. It sounded like a screaming woman. I thought it was a Screech Owl, but I wasn't sure.
Oct 5, 2007
We were halfway down when I heard the shrieking cry of a woman. It was very loud and clear, and definitely not an owl. It sounded like a mixture of anguish and anger. I was very uncomfortable as it was dusk and the cedars were closed in tight against me.
I never went back, and to this day I cannot explain it.

Wonder if it was drowning; Either by accident or by, uh, 'force'.


Mar 12, 2008
Hammonton, NJ.

I was "bandit camping" in the pines a few years back and heard something similar. It sounded like a screaming woman. I thought it was a Screech Owl, but I wasn't sure.

That really nasty crazy sound could be a fox. I know, that sounds kind of crazy but I've seen it myself several times and it WILL scare the piss out of you when you hear it. I used to live near a pit and we had foxes around our house all the time from so many living there. Sleeping with the windows open on a hot night in the summer can get disturbed real fast when you hear something like that. We had motion activated lights and we would see them in the back yard all the time making that noise. Sounds insane.