Most of new jersey used to be an ocean... in the prehistoric times, most of the state was under water, and there are many, many fossils. First, my home town of Marlton is named after a greenish clay-like substance called marl, hence the name marlton, and in pits of marl, called marl pits, you can find teeth of prehistoric sea creatures (e.g. mesosaurus, mosasaurus, megaladon) and also modern shark teeth. they were buried with millions of years of marl and soil. there is a soccer field in mhy town called savich field, and many arrowheads were found there. The baseball complex, called arrowhead park, is named arrowhead park because there were many arrowheads found there... Also, behind a shopping mall somewhere in nj, i think it is abandoned, but there is a big archaelogical site where the fossils of many prehistoric sea creatures have been found. new jersey is richer in fossils than you may ever think... so if you have time, try and find some fossils...