Mount Korbar?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

Jessica and I spent an early morning driving to Union Clay Works to pick up the one section of pipe that Bob noticed a few weeks back that may have writing engraved on it. I have not decided as of yet what is on the pipe, but will be checking it out. We then visited the cellar hole and well at Union Clay Works that Steve mentioned to Bob and I the day he saw us. Thanks for informing me of that Steve.

From there we drove to Apple Pie Hill to check out a few things in that area that I have been trying to do. We then headed to a "high spot' that I had noticed on topozone that is near Apple Pie Hill.

After arriving on the summit, I noticed that the Batona Trail traverses it, and also noticed this sign.

Has anyone ever heard of Mount Korbar, or do you think this sign does not represent an accurate name for this location?

BTW Ben, I have it in the right forum this time. At least I hope so!



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BEHR655 said:
Maybe someone just decided to name the hill after themselves.

Maybe. It seems like quite a bit of work to make or buy the sign, and mount it up in the tree.

I was wondering if it is mentioned on any of the Batona Trail literature.



Jan 2, 2003

Back in the 70's there was a sign on the ground calling it Tea Time Hill.
Kobar is a recient addition. You used to be able to see the fire tower on Apple Pie Hill, now the trees are too tall.

There was alot of ice on the trails this weekend. I felt like an ice breaker.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
ecampbell said:

Back in the 70's there was a sign on the ground calling it Tea Time Hill.
Kobar is a recient addition. You used to be able to see the fire tower on Apple Pie Hill, now the trees are too tall.

There was alot of ice on the trails this weekend. I felt like an ice breaker.


Thanks for the info Ed. I had not heard of that name and thought it was odd.

I drove to Union Clay Works and had to be really careful because the snow had been packed down and it was really slippery after the rain. Some of the corners I just slid around. At Tea Time Hill I went through a puddle that had water washing on my hood so I stopped and walked the rest of the way.

I also took a ride down Moores Meadow road and took some photo's of that old house there.

Have you ever walked over to that grave that is along the bog on that road? I started to but the No Trespassing Signs and the house right across the street stopped me.

Also, can I drive past that farm that is on the other road that connects to Moores Meadow near 563? I drove to what appeared to be the farm and was not sure if that road ended or not.



BEHR655 said:
Every time I drive by Moores Meadow Rd I say to myself, "Self, I gotta go down that road some day". Now I know there is something interesting down there.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I had never been down there before, and while out with Ed last year he told me to check the road out which I did. It is an interesting road which makes you semi think you went back in time. There are a couple of newer homes along with many older one's, and there are quite a few of what appears to be migrant workers shacks scattered along it. And as I mentioned the grave which apparently is off limits. They have a bench there where you can sit next to the grave and look across the bog. The road actually rides between the bogs and I bet it is an interesting place to be when they are harvesting. You are right on top of the bog in perfect position.

I just looked at terraserver and answered my own question on whether the farm road goes past the farm. It goes past it and intersect the road where Jessica and I were at in the woods near Mount Korbar. That road leads directly to Pine Crest. So from Pine Crest you can drive through the woods to Moore's Meadow road and end up on Carranza road before the boot camp. I always went 532 to Carranza road which I no longer will.

Here are the Moore's Meadow bogs.



Jan 2, 2003
I've never walked up to the grave, but now I will!
You can drive out to Caranzza rd from morre meadow rd, or go to Apple Pie Hill.

I think the scouts named Tea Time Hill, and built the foot bridges.
It's amazing how dogs can fall off the bridges, into the swamp.



ecampbell said:
I've never walked up to the grave, but now I will!
You can drive out to Caranzza rd from morre meadow rd, or go to Apple Pie Hill.

I think the scouts named Tea Time Hill, and built the foot bridges.
It's amazing how dogs can fall off the bridges, into the swamp.

Oh no! I can't even imagine what that must have looked like, with Great Danes covered in mud! :shock:



New Member
Sep 1, 2003
I think I looked at the stone/memorial with my binoculars from Moores Meadow Road once. I don't remeber what it said. I thought that was a better idea than trespassing.

Last year when I went by the house in the picture there was an old car under the carport on the side. I think it was that house at least.


Nov 24, 2007
Mt Korbar - explained??

I haven't been there in a while and hope to rewalk that section of the trail soon, but as the sign is on a, this may explain where the name came from. I knew the hill as Tea Time - it could be the current sign is an ad for a band - KoRbaR. They play in Forked River and Lavallette per their MySpace page.....not sure if this is it really, but they are local :)


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I am sure it is a state made sign. How the name came about is something I don't know.



Gail K

New Member
I can answer the question about Mount Korbar! I always knew it as Tea Time Hill as well.

The sign was indeed put up by the State within this decade, to honor the two men who bushwhacked, laid out and created the original 30 miles of the Batona Trail in 1961-- Walter Korszniak (my father) and Morris Bardock, both members of the Batona Hiking Club of Philadelphia. The sign periodically goes missing, but I'm glad to see the photo of it, as I've never seen it in person myself. Last time I was there the sign was nowhere to be seen.

Walt Korszniak lived in Moorestown, NJ until his death in 1990, and Morris Bardock is still alive and currently living in Collingswood, I believe. I was a child when they were creating the trail, and I remember my father taking us out there while they were doing it. Morris Bardock was the one who decided on the pink color for the trail blazes.
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Nov 24, 2007
Thanks Gail! :) Glad to have the mystery solved. Do you know if there was an article written about naming the hill?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Thanks for the info. I did some checking and he still lives in Collingswood.

Do you know why they named that particular location with their names?


Gail K

New Member
I wish I did know why they named that particular hill for them. I know the stretch of Batona Trail from the Batona Campsite (near Caranza) to Apple Pie Hill was one of my father's favorite stretches.

I wrote to the State to see if they could give me any further information, but so far no reply. I'm guessing Morris Bardock could probably tell us!

As to any articles on it, I don't recall ever seeing any. My father had already been dead for a number of years when they did it, which is probably why our family was never notified. The only way I found out was I had happened across a post on the Batona Hiking Club's website at the time and they were announcing that it had happened, but that was years ago.


Jan 2, 2003
Mt Korbar

I saw a new sign on MT Korbar on our first hike there this year. Too bad they didn't use an outdoor glue, the letters are falling down around the base of the tree.

We also found a nice pair of prescription sun glasses on the trail.
