Music for the day


Apr 4, 2011
In the Pines with the Grateful Dead at the Fillmore West in 1966. Just stumbled across this while looking for something else - pretty cool, never realized they recorded this. :cool: Click on track 5 at the link below to listen:

Ah, the good ol' days before the internet when tape trading was the craze. I have this recorded on cassette buried in a box somewhere with many other obscure Dead shows. At one time trading tapes was the thing to do and if it was recorded off the soundboard it was considered "gold".

Bachman's Ivory

Oct 27, 2009
Hazlet, Monmouth County, NJ
I've been listening to this Felice Brothers album for a week and a half, everyday. If you have any interest in Americana/Folk/Tradition Folk music/history/American songwriting etc., Then I highly recommend this album. Most of the songs are their own, but there are a few tradition folk covers, passed down through centuries. Here's some info on the covers from The Felice Brothers forum.

sail away ladies - an old fiddle tune predating the civil war
jack of Diamonds - recorded by Blind Lemon Jefferson but older
Black Velvet Band - goes back to the mid-nineteenth century
Honey In The Rock - Blind Mamie Forehand's** version has the "will it taste like honey in the rock" tag so I'm calling this one trad too
Cumberland Gap - Civil War era fiddle tune probably earlier
Been All Around This World - Carter Family but probably earlier
The Parting Glass - first committed to print in the 1770s
Minstrel Boy - written by Thomas Moore in the first half of the 19th century
Gulf Of Mexico - another name for The Eighth of January a 19th century tune used for the song "Battle of New Orleans"

Every time I listen to these guys I'm put into a different time. Excellent lyrics (often vivid and graphic) tell chilling stories of fascinating characters and places you will want to visit.

It's only a $5 download, or you can donate more if you're feeling generous.

"God Bless You, Amigo is a collection of home recordings made in the spring of 2012. Due to a cloud of misfortune resembling in part the curse of Rocky Colavito, our home was nearly destroyed by a freak hurricane; our prized and seemingly immutable Winnebago was driven to the ground and mercy shot somewhere in Vermont (long may she stalk the golden highways of heaven); our singer and lead guitarist, Wall Street Panic Snopes, was hospitalized for an acute skin disorder in a foreign hospital; and then in what seemed a perfect finale, all of our amps sizzled out and died during rehearsal upon his return.
This made us go insane with laughter and play our favorite song, “Gulf Of Mexico” – which is also a known aid in exorcism – for what seemed like hours. The old fiddle tune had a strange power over the band, but our management convinced us that releasing a four-hour instrumental was a little too reckless, even for us. After much deliberation we all agreed that we should play more songs along with “Gulf of Mexico.” We all spit in our hands and shook on it. This material consists of eight traditional folk songs and 12 original songs that we've always liked, but never had a chance to put on records.
The proceeds from God Bless You, Amigo will go towards a new tour vehicle so that we can come and play your town, or enable us to go into a studio and record a new album (as we have a lot of new material), or to fix our amps. It's only a $5 download, but you can give more if you are feeling philanthropic."


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Just noticed, Jerry Garcia would have been 70 yesterday (August 1) if he had lived. I was a big fan of the Dead back in the late 1960's, but over time I sort of drifted away. Then about 5 years ago my interest was re-kindled when I got a Sirius radio and started listening to all the live concert recordings. Turned out that my son in law is also a big Grateful Dead fan, a real testament to how timeless their music is.

Recently I've become very fond of the early Garcia-Weir acoustic stuff - tracks 1-12 at this link are a really great example. The drummer was late so they did an acoustic set:

Another nice example here, where they go acoustic and sing a bunch of country songs on tracks 10-20 when Phil's amp breaks.:


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Wow... from a song from the bible to a song telling us to listen to a doormouse.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Awww missed the whole period and still hate it? What ever did you listen to back in 1970?


Unlike you Pop-Pop, I was only twelve in 1970 !

In 1970 I was wheelying through my town on my prized 5-speed stick shift Schwinn Apple Krate with the chromed springer front end humming the theme song to this !



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
You old fogies have made me feel like such a whippersnapper.I was only six years old in 1970.
I had forgotten all about the Banana Splits.I did wear bell bottoms,earth shoes and a mood ring as a little kid and painted peace signs on my walls and never knew I was a hippie.
I do like the dead a lot but Waylon is tops in my book,does this make me a Hippybilly?