Mystery Rock Pile


Apr 23, 2015
Cream Ridge, NJ
IMG_20180629_202242696 (1).jpg The pile of rocks looks to be a Cairn which by definition is a pile of rocks (I couldn't resist). In the Scottish highlands, people cleared (and still do) their land of rocks and placed them in neat piles which can then be used as corner markers, direction markers or any number of utilitarian monuments. Not only is it then easier to plow their fields but they also get a secondary benefit from the rocks. Along hiking trails in New England, I've come across many cairns which are usually memorials of one sort or another. A well known one is at the summit of Mt. Mansfield in Vermont and is called Frenchman's Cairn. The story goes that a French Canadian hiker was struck and killed by lightning at the site. No, he's not buried there, it's just a monument. Cairns are often added to after they are "established" by other hikers or by friends or families for which the monument was erected. By the way, this is our dog, Duncan, a Cairn Terrier. As you can see, when he doesn't have a pile of rocks available, he'll climb just about anything.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Yes I had thought it might be a marker of sorts for someones personal history but would not have the slightest idea how to find out what the history is.If the plains were burnt to the ground it would be visible for quite a ways but the rocks do not appear to be cooked which would make them pink to red so they don't appear to have been in a hot fire. An awfully important monument to import that amount of rock that far from ab original source of limestone.The stone looks like it was possibly quarried.It doesn't look water worn,Perhpas they bought it from a quarry in Pa?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I was able to get to the rock pile today. As the fire came from the south it is really hard to see it from the south as you arrive.


From the north you can see some of the rocks are brighter.



This is still an interesting mystery. Quite a bit of work went into getting that there.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I wanted to update you somewhat on the rock pile mentioned in this thread. As you can read above we visited it after the burn and the pile looked the same as previously. Fully intact and standing tall. Obviously, after the fire someone has been there and has done some damage to it.

But first, a while back I was contacted by our very own Spung Man who believes he may know the individual who placed it there. The time frame dates back to before 1973 so if the information is correct there are no dead bodies or buried pets under the rocks. And one other individual is involved with Spung Man in the research of the origins but I will not mention who they are as I have not received their permission or even asked them.

In July of last year Spung Man contacted me concerning this subject and we have had a few Zoom meetings and discussed the information on the individual involved. And in August I met on Zoom with Spung Man and the other researcher on this project who I have not mentioned yet.

This brings us to today. This morning the three of us met up and hiked to the rock pile so that both of them could see it for themselves. Brisk, cold and windy we made our way along the roads less traveled and eventually made it there. Evidence of the fire still linger but Mother Nature if finally starting to hide it from view.

That is about all I will say right now, but sometime in the future I and others may have the proof we need to let all of you know who he was. Oh, and there may be a second location which I will work on searching for soon.


Spung Man was loving it today. :dance:



Okay, I know you want to see the mystery researcher. He is on the left.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
So, neither of those two had ever been there, but have been researching it? Do you have a comment on that?

There is nothing there excepts rocks so why would they need to be there to research it? A series of events including this thread has got us to this point and I am certain he could be the person. However, we have no solid proof.

This person was absolutely in that area and I even made a video recreating their visit in that area. It fits perfectly. My job in this adventure is mostly done except I need to search for one more possible rock pile.


Aug 18, 2015
Atco NJ
Thought I had commented on this in the past, but apparently not. I've seen similar piles in PA, more recently read something about them having to do with rabbits.
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