This is all over the news now.
Republican New Jersey Representative Jeff Van Drew announced that the drones flying over his home state are from Iran. [...] "From very high sources, very qualified sources, very responsible sources, I'm going to tell you the real deal," Van Drew said. "Iran launched a mothership probably a month ago that contains these drones."
Pentagon denies reports mystery drones coming from Iranian "mothership"
Representative Jeff Van Drew said the drones that have been spotted over New Jersey are from
My first thought; where the hell is Homeland Security in this situation? I recall when they were created thinking; oh boy, another inflated beauracracy that won't be able to get out of its own way to meet these emerging challenges. But that was what they were created for! As soon as they formed, Airports clapped their hands in glee, because they no longer had to take care of security.The simple fact that "WE THE PEOPLE OF NJ" don't know what they are IS the problem.
My first thought; where the hell is Homeland Security in this situation?
"they have to get a handle on this...some of these agencies need to have more money.."
I've sat out at IBSP many of nights, usually once a week. I'm always seeing aircraft coming and going from the ocean. That's because two major aviation flyways cut right across the park.CNN just did a story on this, the Governor said he spent most of yesterday in contact with Homeland Security, the White House and other federal agencies but nobody had any information. This is really crazy - by the Army's report above, the first confirmed sighting at Picatinny was almost a month ago now. If it's really true that they don't know anything (big IF there), does that mean small drones could drop explosives on a military base for a month and we would have no idea who was responsible or how to stop it?
Then there's this....
"More than a dozen drones followed a 47-foot Coast Guard boat Sunday night, while law enforcement tracked another 50 drones coming onto land from the ocean at Island State Park, Rep. Chris Smith said. Meanwhile, an FBI assistant director admitted that the agency doesn’t know who is behind the unidentified drones that are flying over New Jersey."
Rep. Smith: 50 drones came in from ocean; At least a dozen trailed Coast Guard ship
The mystery of the unidentified drones deepened Tuesday, as federal officials admitted that they don’t know the source or origin of the
where the hell is Homeland Security in this situation?