Mystery UFO drone crash landed???


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
The FBI, Homeland Security and probably a half dozen other alphabet agencies either don’t know where these drones are coming from or won’t say where they’re coming from, but if one of them flies through a toll booth the state of NJ will move heaven and earth to locate their home base so they know where to mail the fine. :D
Well, it's a local thing. :)


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek

"To date, we have no intelligence or observations that would indicate that they were aligned with a foreign actor or that they had malicious intent," the spokesperson said. "But ... we don't know. We have not been able to locate or identify the operators or the points of origin."


"We don't know what the activity is. We don't know ... if it is criminal. But I will tell you that it is irresponsible. Here on the military side, we are just as frustrated with the irresponsible nature of this activity."


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I will take my tinfoil cap off now.

I'm putting mine back on! :dance:

The NY Post interviewed the author of a book called "China's Project to Destroy America".

"It could be Iran, it could be Iran in connection with China, but clearly, somebody is trying to absorb our attention,” [...] “The thing that really worries me is that if they’re trying to draw our attention to these drones, the question is what are they doing elsewhere in our country? So we could very well get hit,” warned Chang.

Maybe he's one of those very high, qualified and responsible sources who told Jeff Van Drew "the real deal"? :D
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I'm putting mine back on! :dance:

The NY Post interviewed the author of a book called "China's Project to Destroy America".

"It could be Iran, it could be Iran in connection with China, but clearly, somebody is trying to absorb our attention,” [...] “The thing that really worries me is that if they’re trying to draw our attention to these drones, the question is what are they doing elsewhere in our country? So we could very well get hit,” warned Chang.

Maybe he's one of those very high, qualified and responsible sources who told Jeff Van Drew "the real deal"? :D
I think Iran is plenty gun-shy right now.


Jul 4, 2011
We needed a place to build and store our scenery when I was working at the Opera Company in 1995 and through a contact on the board of directors were able to lease the sub-basement of the abandoned Bulletin Building, across from 30th Street Station. Huge, cavernous space that was very weird to work in (I believe the Bulletin went bankrupt in the 80's). We were the only people in the whole building and I don't think any fresh air had made it into that space since the 80's! There was a huge freight elevator to move things down from street level.

View attachment 23936

We were later approached by the national tour of Phantom of the Opera, that was coming to the Forrest Theater and needed a place to store all their shipping crates. Now, this wasn't just a few things, it was over 30 big semi-trailers full of road boxes! We worked out a deal and a big crew hauled it all down to the sub-basement, one elevator at a time. This was just one little corner of the stuff (you can see the Phantom logo on a couple of the road boxes).

View attachment 23937

A few months later, the big freight elevator broke and the landlord wasn't interested in fixing it. The Phantom management was starting to panic, worried they wouldn't be able to get all that stuff out when they left town. But we came up with a solution, there was a railroad siding inside the sub-basement where they originally delivered the huge rolls of newsprint for the paper, but no direct access from our space. Our crew sledge-hammered down a concrete block dividing wall and the trucks were able to drive over the train tracks to load everything out from there! A few months later we leased a more conventional space at the old Frankford Arsenal and moved our own operations there.

Sorry... getting really far off-topic now, but that mention of the Bulletin brought back a lot of memories! :)

"when I was working at the Opera Company..."

I worked for the opera co. too, in AZ.
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Jul 4, 2011
The "experts" at the NY Post say it's probably a top secret black project to test drone capabilities over a heavily populated area. Kind of a drone version of Blue Thunder, maybe? :D

That wouldn't surprise me, although it seems really irresponsible to do that over populated areas with drones "as big as an SUV" while not telling the Army, FBI, FAA or governor.

"top secret black project ..."

Lit up with all the regulation FAA lights.
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Jul 4, 2011
That must be Pan coming back from out West.

I have a photo somewhat similar to that, except there's a helicopter between the vehicle and the helicopter rotor. They were lowering a big SUV into some wild river in CA.

As for tin foil hats, mine is on permanently if "wearing a tin foil hat" means not believing whatever they're telling us.

19th century American humorist, George Ade:

"He had been kicked in the head by a mule when he was young and after that he believed everything he read in the Sunday papers."
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Jul 4, 2011
I know... we've discussed this before! :)

We did? I forgot. Duh.

Remember that "Watch the skies!" line? It's taking on new significance! Next they'll start landing and one will land in a ditch and this old scientist with a hair-do like Albert Einstein will say, "I'm sure they have come in peace" as he walks down to greet them while telling his beautiful young daughter who is working on her own hair-do, "Here, hold my beer, kiddo, I'll be right back."

I'm glad I'm far away from the Pine Barrens. New Jersey is where invaders from outer space always land. Where's Grover's Mill, NJ?

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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The fighter jets flew right over my house yesterday after leaving the Eagle's game flyover. Now I see online people are saying a drone crashed in the local McDonalds and some people went there to see if it was true. It wasn't, as expected.
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Sep 15, 2016
MakePeace Lake NJ
Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 6.01.10 AM.jpg


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
Another opinion on the drones from a man who knows drones well.


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I watched the first minute or two - that guy talked really slow and still hadn't gotten to the point. But a Google search found this. If true, then why doesn't whoever is doing this doesn't just admit it? No doubt there's a conspiracy theory to explain that. :D

"John Ferguson, CEO of Saxon Aerospace, shared his theory in a viral TikTok video, explaining that drones flying at night likely have a specific target in mind. He speculated they may be monitoring hazardous substances, saying, "If they are flying that low, they're trying to smell something on the ground."The FBI has received over 3,000 tips about the sightings, mostly occurring at night. Ferguson's theory aligns with concerns that the drones may be used for environmental monitoring, though there's no official confirmation of this."



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I watched the first minute or two - that guy talked really slow and still hadn't gotten to the point. But a Google search found this. If true, then why doesn't whoever is doing this doesn't just admit it? No doubt there's a conspiracy theory to explain that. :D

"John Ferguson, CEO of Saxon Aerospace, shared his theory in a viral TikTok video, explaining that drones flying at night likely have a specific target in mind. He speculated they may be monitoring hazardous substances, saying, "If they are flying that low, they're trying to smell something on the ground."The FBI has received over 3,000 tips about the sightings, mostly occurring at night. Ferguson's theory aligns with concerns that the drones may be used for environmental monitoring, though there's no official confirmation of this."

That was my first thought when this scare first came out; that if it was a contractor or the government, they would have said so already. Which leads me to believe it's ordinary citizens feeling really pumped up now that they are part of a basically unconsolidated number of smart asses fooling the gullable. I have not even given a cursory glance to the skies as I go about my business, and I assume the majority of forum members are the same. What I find really pathetic is that some political leaders act like their hair is on fire just to be on their constituents side.
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M1 Abrams

May 4, 2023
Burlington County
Re the statement by former Governor Hogan on drones, quoted above by slingblade:

... Former Republican Gov of MD Larry Hogan expressed his outrage: He said he "personally witnessed and videotaped" dozen of large drones over his house in MD. "Like many who have observed these drones, I do not know if this increasing activity over our skies is a threat to public safety or national security. But the public is growing increasingly concerned and frustrated with the complete lack of transparency and dismissive attitude of the federal government"

.... The video Hogan posted over his house was of the constellation Orion.

Orion? Could the drones be part of a sinister plan by the notorious alliance (or belt) headed by Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka? They supposedly hold a weapon that can kill anything in its path (except scorpions).
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Had to share; gave me a good laugh.

"...These aren't the drones you're looking for.

You can go about your business.

Move along...."


CNN did a pretty good report from Ocean County with the Sheriff's Office, some politicians, a few self-proclaimed experts and also random people on the Seaside Heights boardwalk.



Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
This story is on just about every news site right now. :siren:

I don't know if you can read this article without being an subscriber (I am not) but I read it in the free version of Apple News, so if you have a Mac or iPhone, try this link

This is the original article



Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
"I do have news directly from the president of the United States that was just shared with me in the Oval Office, from President Trump directly, an update on the New Jersey drones," Leavitt said.

"After research and study, the drones that were flying over New Jersey in large numbers were authorized to be flown by the FAA for research and various other reasons. Many of these drones were also hobbyists, recreational and private individuals that enjoy flying drones," she added. "In time, it got worse due to curiosity. This was not the enemy."
