Probably not the best outfit for bushwacking through the smilax!
The only way I am in that dress code in the bushwacking areas is if I have to pee. Otherwise my "delicate" parts are spared of stickers, branches, etc.
Probably not the best outfit for bushwacking through the smilax!
Have you ever seen trucks, vans, etc rocking, noise, sounds, voices but no one to be seen in these vehicles?
Sounds like a ghost story.
I read a book about the Appalachian trail once and it referred to nude hikers at Sunfish Pond NJ.There at least at the time the book was written around 1980 no laws forbidding nudity on federal land so you legally could prance around nude on federal land which the AT was.I"m not sure if this refers to state land which Wharton and Stokes state forest are.He may legally be allowed to do this on state property.There is also a sport called Canuding,give you one guess what that is.