Yeah, good job Ben. I may be a webmaster, but nothing to the extent of this site, at least first time out. The guy in charge of Lisa's swin team told me the team doesn't have a web site this year.. "unless someone wants to do it." Initially I thought about it and summarily dismissed the idea, but I got thinking about the idea. My Internet he service provider has software to make a website -- for myself, for an organization etc. It wasn't up but I went through a sort of preview of it, and it seems that you are taken by the hand on the tecnical things (and no need to know html language), so I just may give it a shot.
And, to stick to the subject, the web can just wet your appetite for flowers, animals, what not, and this can be a cataylist to go out and explore these things. Bill Gates gave the example of getting people interested in art on the web in his book THE ROAD AHEAD...