New PPA brochure

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
In the absence of information we have to make suppositions. Social media forces everyone into their corners. After talking directly to Al and Jason I've decided to have an open mind instead of a position.
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Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
why were you startled? I was wrong and admitted it. I had hoped that someone with the talent and means to build a machine like those rigs would have more sense than to take them someplace they should never be and was shown different!
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and this one which shows the two trucks from the video in it. But one is a chevy and the other a toyota.

How many of these silly vehicles are actually out there? The propaganda material recently posted wants us to believe they are a major presence/threat, and so all off-road access must be prohibited. Has there been any data presented? How are these things registered with the state?
I agree with Jon: less b.s more facts.


New Member
Aug 6, 2015
I wish it all could be that easy. I think we all can agree that type of land abuse displayed on the links in this post cannot be tolerated in the pines. However, the PPA propaganda clearly attacks all ORV pine barren access in general, including the responsible, conservative users and enthusiasts exploring our beloved pines. Instead, efforts and focus should be directed at preventing these types of abuse thru enforcement rather than publishing an overly dramatic presentation advocating a thinly veiled message in advocating for the very unpopular and restrictive MAP initiative that would only impact and hurt the law abiding, pine loving enthusiast. As I type this response, it is eerily familiar with the tactics used to erode our constitutional 2nd amendment rights. It has been my experience and observation that both Jason and Al do not have ANY desire to acknowledge this point of view but rather go to the extreme stance employed by the recent brochure.


Mar 8, 2006
I wish it all could be that easy. I think we all can agree that type of land abuse displayed on the links in this post cannot be tolerated in the pines. However, the PPA propaganda clearly attacks all ORV pine barren access in general, including the responsible, conservative users and enthusiasts exploring our beloved pines. Instead, efforts and focus should be directed at preventing these types of abuse thru enforcement rather than publishing an overly dramatic presentation advocating a thinly veiled message in advocating for the very unpopular and restrictive MAP initiative that would only impact and hurt the law abiding, pine loving enthusiast. As I type this response, it is eerily familiar with the tactics used to erode our constitutional 2nd amendment rights. It has been my experience and observation that both Jason and Al do not have ANY desire to acknowledge this point of view but rather go to the extreme stance employed by the recent brochure.

I wish that too. I do not advocate this type of abuse anywhere, let alone the Pines but it happen.
The PPA wants to rile up their like-minded folks to see every truck that is out there as what these trucks pictured are doing. I agree enforcement would go a lot further to help stop the pictured abuse. I love the pines and do not feel that a MAP is necessary. Now I have wondered aloud whether the state choosing to not clear fallen trees on some roads is their way of 'closing' a road without closing a road, but that is just my two cents.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
and this one which shows the two trucks from the video in it. But one is a chevy and the other a toyota.


I believe I know where that is. The trucks may be parked on the Button Buck Gun Club property. Check out my photo next to it. They were closer and semi higher in the air when taking it. And most likely much more recent. And at a different time of year.

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Mar 8, 2006

I believe I know where that is. The trucks may be parked on the Button Buck Gun Club property. Check out my photo next to it. They were closer and semi higher in the air when taking it. And most likely much more recent. And at a different time of year.

View attachment 12212
I would agree with you on the picture's location. Nice work by the way. I know the one photo had a posting date of 2017.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Mine was 10/20/2012. The owner was cleaning it up around that time which may be the reason the concrete is more white. He swept off the dirt and rain cleaned it maybe.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
This does tell us that they are driving them on state land. All the property around that club is public. It is remote also and in Ocean County.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Now I have wondered aloud whether the state choosing to not clear fallen trees on some roads is their way of 'closing' a road without closing a road, but that is just my two cents.

It does not take much effort to move one out of the way. If it is naturally fallen is one thing, purposely cut another. I carry my small battery powered chain saw that works quite well; slow, but faster than a handsaw :)