IMHO: no need to reinvent the wheel. My wife and I visit the George Washington & Jefferson National Forest at least once every two years. Outdoor leisure available for almost everyone.
Spent a week in W&JNF last year and it was nice. Smokies year before.
It's different from here, Why? Didn't notice beer cans or general trash and certainly no mass dump sites.
Came upon a established remote camp site. Nice clean and a pile of stacked firewood left next to stone fireplace that time was taking not vandals.
We drove miles and miles down a dirt road and came to a closed gate, probably been there decades and nobody went around it.
Short back track from gate and turned up a power line access rd. Would have bet a paycheck there would be a trail around up there, nope!
I didn't have or need a map to tell me where I did or didn't belong, just common sense and miles back the way I came in.
We struggle with enforcement of existing policy here but there's more to it.
Overuse? Too large a population and not enough space
Attitude, entitlement, respect, upbringing?
Education, understanding?
Rural life vs. City life?
IDK but want some and a move there is the goal