Forgive me if I'm a bit cynical, but “It’s not as though there’s one group that’s noble and one group that isn’t,” he said. “It’s far too easy to idealize one party and villainize another. It’s not the case that every off-road vehicle user is a bad guy, and not every environmentalist is automatically virtuous.” sounds like something one might say after being forced into a mea culpa after their last attempt at their MAP. Hopefully the comment is sincere, but I am skeptical the comment is anything more than lip service.
Some how this article is getting a lot of traction in the local media, it is almost like someone is trying to generate buzz. I feel like I've seen this play before too. The name might be different, but same story line - a person who loves the pines is driven out of the forest by off roaders, speaks for everyone (If I recall, there was even someone that posted on this site the last go around claiming just about that exact story). Same cast of characters being interviewed, making detestable claims. Same undated pictures showing how every square inch of the Pines has been shredded by monster truck tires. And, wasn't there a behind the scenes relationship between the DEP and some from an environmental organization last time?
I notice what is missing from the article is any mention of the work the Open Trails group did, or how successful their efforts were. Come to think of it, I didn't see any quotes from that group either, nor the motorcycle group, nor any hunting groups.