No more fun in the Pines

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
I know i've hiked alot in the pines and i've never had a problem with the rangers searching me although i don't doubt that it happens ,they seem to take the law into there own hands quite a bit any more. years ago all my brothers used to camp at bellplain and we got to know a ranger there ,even he said that to many rangers let the new found authority go way into their heads and abuse it. there really is no advice to be found on how to avoid it, just to stay whistle clean in the pines


New Member
May 8, 2006
Fairfield County, CT
Wow...i'm about to make my first trek to the Barrens in 2 weeks, and now i'm not sure after reading this thread. Me and two friends are going to Wharton & Carranza road to see some wildlife and take some photos. Should we be concerned just walking the trails? Should we carry backpacks? I've camped in Vermont and Rhode Island, and never had a major problem with Rangers.


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
don't worry about mr.ranger bobo just listen to yogi. no seriously what are you going to be doing that is illegal? as long as you don't have alcohol, drugs,or guns they won't hurt you .If they catch you camping illegally they will just fine you.if you are going to get caught stealth camping then you should not be doing it in the first place.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Trust me Mike, don't let the rangers ( I mean park police which is what they want to be called now) keep you from going into the woods. As a backpacker on a trail you are the least likely candidate for harrassment. The worst they can do to you is still not enough that it should keep you from enjoying the woods. Not all of them are that bad, it is just some of them.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
woodjin said:
Trust me Mike, don't let the rangers ( I mean park police which is what they want to be called now) keep you from going into the woods. As a backpacker on a trail you are the least likely candidate for harrassment. The worst they can do to you is still not enough that it should keep you from enjoying the woods. Not all of them are that bad, it is just some of them.


If you stay away from the populated area's you will never see them. Go for it!



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
TeeGate said:
If you stay away from the populated area's you will never see them. Go for it!


I second that. you almost never see them away from the populated areas (campgrounds, points of interest) That is the way it should be and is. Thank God!!
Apr 6, 2004
Harassment at the Bass River State park campground

Since this has largely become a thread to vent about Rangers, er..I mean Park Police, I thought I'd share with you all an incident that befell a couple of my good friends over this memorial day weekend.

My two friends and another couple decided to camp at Bass River state campground. They are all very nice and respectful people. I visited their site over the weekend and can verify that they were following the rules; no alchoholic beverages, etc.

Well, when I spoke to them this morning I was informed that they were woken up in the middle of the night by a ranger unzipping their tent and shining a flashlight on them. Startled and confused, they asked the cop what he was doing and he said (mumbled?) something that they could not decipher. The ranger then closed the tent and perused their campsight. He then left the site and went about his business.

They have no idea what could have brought such behaviour upon themselves, but they are, needless to say, not pleased.

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
no more fun

Hey pinelandpaddler ,i had an incedent at bass river with a snotty ranger who has since been transfered to bellplain to finish out his time ,he was caught peeping on two girls ,this same ranger entered my campsite in the middle of the night and scared the sh.. out of my kids ,no apology came either i wrote his supervisor about it and in turn she forwarded the complaint to trenton,they expected me to loose time from work not on just one occasion but on two or three times to have a series of meetings and speak with a mediator another words the buck was passed so many times that nothing was done to him ,i know where they are coming from and from experience there's not much you can do about them ,i hate to hear about things like that happening ,it is hard to have fun in new jersey any more


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
pinelandpaddler said:
Since this has largely become a thread to vent about Rangers, er..I mean Park Police, I thought I'd share with you all an incident that befell a couple of my good friends over this memorial day weekend.

My two friends and another couple decided to camp at Bass River state campground. They are all very nice and respectful people. I visited their site over the weekend and can verify that they were following the rules; no alchoholic beverages, etc.

Well, when I spoke to them this morning I was informed that they were woken up in the middle of the night by a ranger unzipping their tent and shining a flashlight on them. Startled and confused, they asked the cop what he was doing and he said (mumbled?) something that they could not decipher. The ranger then closed the tent and perused their campsight. He then left the site and went about his business.

They have no idea what could have brought such behaviour upon themselves, but they are, needless to say, not pleased.

I would not have stood for that without knowing who he is and I definitely would have reported it higher up the chain. In fact, you should send this post to them.


Dec 11, 2005
Peeping on Tom

Hey Tom M---Sounds like that Ranger Rick was peeping at you cause your name is Tom and he was a-peeping-at-a--Tom---get it???? :)If y'all had the easy access to a "right to carry" permit for firearms like we do here in Florida, I'll bet Rangers would show more respect:jeffd: and not nose around into tents in the middle of the night. I recommend pepper spray---but maybe that's illegal too. Hay, when you give up your constitutional rights, the state takes them and loves it. So do the criminals. B_ _ _ _ RDS!