FWIW, I just got off the phone with Robin Madden of the DEP. She indicated the DEP asked Brigantine to hold a meeting last July, and they were, to paraphrase, stonewalled. However, after the meeting this week, and hearing all sides, she said that the DEP is"absolutely" going to find a way to allow "low impact" users, such as photographers, artists, and disabled people to access the North End point.
Specifically, to drive onto the beach, all the way to the North Point, in a 4x4. She said the solution may be a day pass, and I interjected that does me no good at all since my decision to go or not, is contingent on weather and I need the same access as the Mobile Sport Fishing license provides. Ongoing access, not one day. She indicated that some sort of 4x4 non "Mobile Sport Fishing" permit will be implemented this season.
I asked her permission to share this and she said that "spreading good will towards the DEP" would be great. A nice lady, I hope it happens.