It's all a ruse. Getting ready for the oil and gas well's say some enviroMENTALISTS.
"Seismic Airgun Blasting for Oil and Gas Exploration
For three decades, the COAlition along with a national network has worked to successfully keep oil and gas activities in the mid-Atlantic region at bay. Regrettably, after years of being under a bipartisan drilling moratorium supported by Presidents and Congress alike, the Atlantic Ocean is back in play, and energy companies are looking to start drilling as soon as possible. Exploration could begin as soon as 2015 with seismic testing being used to look for potential oil and gas deposits.
Fortunately, COA fosters strong bipartisan federal and state opposition to oil and gas activities off the New York/New Jersey coast and organizations, businesses, and citizens are ready to rally and take action to save our coast and marine life. This pressure has given our region a temporary "amnesty" from the worst oil threats by excluding NY and NJ from oil drilling. Of course, risks remain from seismic testing and oil drilling anywhere in the Atlantic Ocean off the US coast, since the blasts of seismic airguns can be heard for hundreds of miles and any oil spills occurring in the mid or south Atlantic risk being carried northward to our shores by the Gulf Stream. For this reason, COA continues to work with a national network of organizations unified against the development of oil and gas resources in the Atlantic Ocean." - COA