Ocean Spray Leaving NJ


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
Quoted from the 2nd article:

“It’s just very disappointing,” said Assemblyman Joseph Malone, R-Bordentown. “It’s a different world now. With corporations, it’s not about loyalty anymore, it’s about bucks.” Bordentown City Mayor James Lynch said he was first notified of the potential move in September.

I think this Assemblyman has alot of nerve with this statement. Does he really think a business, any business, should remain in a state, any state, that does not make it adventageous for a company to operate. Let's give OS some credit here. It's not like they're moving out of the country or to a state on the other side of the county.

I'm usually against companys and their greed, but I think this statement about "loyalty" is uncalled for.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
With Ocean Spray gone, that should clear the way for the "Medfordization" of Chatsworth... :mad:

I could not find anywhere that says the Chatsworth facility will be closed. It is just a gathering station for the local growers and then the berries were shipped out. I doubt the local growers could afford to ship their berries to PA, but you never know.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Quoted from the 2nd article:

“It’s just very disappointing,” said Assemblyman Joseph Malone, R-Bordentown. “It’s a different world now. With corporations, it’s not about loyalty anymore, it’s about bucks.” Bordentown City Mayor James Lynch said he was first notified of the potential move in September.

I think this Assemblyman has alot of nerve with this statement. Does he really think a business, any business, should remain in a state, any state, that does not make it adventageous for a company to operate. Let's give OS some credit here. It's not like they're moving out of the country or to a state on the other side of the county.

I'm usually against companys and their greed, but I think this statement about "loyalty" is uncalled for.

I agree entirely. You can't create conditions that hurt businesses and then act indignant when they start leaving.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Two former employees of that plant worked where I work. In fact, one still works at our place on Saturdays. The plant was the oldest they had and they just needed a newer facility and maybe they wanted to get out of the state. I don't see Chatsworth closing. They need that for processing. Things will still be the same.



Mar 24, 2011
lets at least keep it civil here guys (im from medford eh)

i wouldnt blame any company at all for leaving this state, its incredible the kind of taxes new jersey forces on us...this state is horribly un-business-friendly


Sep 10, 2008
Hamilton (Mercer County)
My Company moved from NJ to PA 5 years ago due to the cost of complying with extreme environmental regulations and permitting costs and we were a very basic research operation.

In reading further on this and as has been mentioned, there is no direct relationship between Chatsworth and the Bordentown plant.
All of the product gathered at Chatsworth is shipped and processed in Massachusetts where it is turned into a concentrate and then it was shipped to Bordentown to be made and packaged into various products.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
im still so annoyed about that medford remark haha

I lived there for many years - my daughter graduated from Shawnee and loved it. Finally moved away when they clearcut the woods next to my home and built two McMansions on lots that were way too small. It is still a nice town but has completely lost its pinelands village character - it's just a suburb now. I fear a similar fate awaits Chatsworth someday... sure hope that I'm wrong.


Mar 24, 2011
I lived there for many years - my daughter graduated from Shawnee and loved it. Finally moved away when they clearcut the woods next to my home and built two McMansions on lots that were way too small. It is still a nice town but has completely lost its pinelands village character - it's just a suburb now. I fear a similar fate awaits Chatsworth someday... sure hope that I'm wrong.

I cant argue with you, there are just simply too many people in medford and there is too much commerce - but i still love it here and perhaps outwardly it has lost the character of a pinelands village, but if the people here dont forget the history of their town the original face of medford wont be forgotten. very close to me there are a bunch of subsidized/low income housing units going up and i cant help but think "thanks mt laurel"..but still, i live in an area that was farmland not too long ago, so maybe im to blame as well...but i have to live somewhere, but because i love the pines "proper" and the history and hike/spend time there fairly frequently, i dont feel like an intruder...maybe i am, but i hope im not, because i appreciate the pinelands...

i do agree with you about the development though...it keeps eating away at the forests that are already fragmented enough

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
but if the people here dont forget the history of their town the original face of medford wont be forgotten.



Mar 24, 2011
im going to take that as a confirmation that youve seen a flying pig and a respectful verification of my remark in that it does beat the odds


Mar 24, 2011
Man im calm :D no harm done

my tone was meant to be facetious and not so much confrontational haha ;)

i dont deny the validity of your arguments