Online Tax Records Search

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
For those of us who are searching for ruins in the pines, or are curious to see who owns what lands marked as private property on the topo maps, I just found this site - - which will allow you to search the tax records for the entire state of NJ.

This is what I got for Oswego Rd:

1. Oswego Rd, Bass River Twp., NJ
Block: 78 Lot: 34
Width: 1 X Depth: 0 Land: $800.00 Build: $0.00 Total: $800.00
Census Tract Info
Update: 9/1/2002

2. Oswego Rd, Washington Twp., NJ
Block: 28 Lot: 4
Width: 3 X Depth: 0 Land: $3,700.00 Build: $0.00 Total: $3,700.00
Census Tract Info
Update: 9/1/2002

3. Oswego Rd Landlocked, Bass River Twp., NJ
Block: 96.E Lot: 12
Width: 2 X Depth: 0 Land: $2,000.00 Build: $0.00 Total: $2,000.00
Census Tract Info
Update: 9/1/2002

4. Oswego Rd Landlocked, Bass River Twp., NJ
Block: 96.E Lot: 8
Width: 3 X Depth: 0 Land: $2,000.00 Build: $0.00 Total: $2,000.00
Census Tract Info
Update: 9/1/2002

I'd love to be able to find out just where the blocks and lots are on a map. Does anyone have any info on how we can find that out?


New Member
Jan 6, 2003
You can go to the towns tax office,they have a tax map that you might be able to buy if not you can look on it and see for yourself!!!!!

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
The land on Oswego Rd. is in Wharton State Forest, so I'm not sure you'd be able to buy it from the person who owns it. I think it goes to the state when the owners die or don't pass it on to their next of kin.

I may be wrong though. :)