Organizing a canoe trip


Apr 10, 2004
I love the pines especially showing others what a great treasure they have in their own back yard. I also have many time constraints that prevent me from getting out to the pines very often. One of these time constraints is due to a charity that I help out with.

So I thought I could try to combine to of my passions by organizing a canoe / kayak outing along the Batsto as a charity event to raise money for the charity I am involved with.

I want to avoid renting because I think it would be hard to raise much money and get much participation when rental prices seem to be about $65 a canoe.

I have about 3 canoes and 4 kayaks at my disposals, but transporting them is another issue.

One idea that I thought about was teaming up with one of the Boy Scout groups. I noticed sitting outside of a garage a trailer holding about 6 canoes that belongs to a Boy Scout group. My thought was that they might be willing to lend the canoes and trailer and / or get involved with the event especially if the money raised was split between the scouts and this other charity.

Any suggestions or comments regarding the feasibility of this would be greatly appreciated.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
One thing to consider: if you approach a livery explaining you are a charity, you might be able to recieve a huge discount on the rentals if you provide 1) some advetising/write up/ honerable mention of the livery's contribution to the charity in a newletter (if the charity has a newletter) or 2) if enough people show up, it could be worth it too them from the $ they will make in sheer volume, or repeat rentals from those involved further down the road at some point.

Liveries to consider, Bel Haven, Micks, Pinebarrens.

Good luck,



Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
I've always used Pine Barrens Canoe Rental and the folks there give my family a small discount because we are usually a large group. As Jeff said a charity with the proper paperwork might help get the cost down. Mick's is also run by good people. Can't speak personally for Bel Haven but I've heard good things about them. I'd be interested in helping out I've got a canoe.


Apr 10, 2004
Thanks for the replies.

I thought I would ask for an entry fee. I guess I can get what the high and low price range will be for the event based on the rates given by the rental place. And once I have the final number of people I can collect the fee and rental amount the day of the trip.

Since I like to make things complicated I thought about giving people a choice among several options of the charity they wanted to contribute.

The more I think about it the more I feel that the fund raising part should not be the focus, and that providing a fun day for people with common interest should be the goal. Maybe I will try to get a discount that will allow people to rent for less even after the charity donation than they would have to pay for a solo rental.

I figure maybe I would be able to reduce the cost by letting some people transport their own canoe / kayak or paying the transport fee for them.

I should mention in fairness that not everyone is 100% in agreement with the charity I volunteer for. The charity helps women and families that have an unexpected pregnancy by providing clothing, food, referrals to doctors and social services and much more. The controversial part is that they are 100% pro-life.



Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
I'm all about a day on the water. If my money goes to help women and families in a tough situation than I will strongly consider supporting the charity. I don't clearly fall on one side or the other on the abortion issue. I do however love cruising down the batsto river!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I should mention in fairness that not everyone is 100% in agreement with the charity I volunteer for. The charity helps women and families that have an unexpected pregnancy by providing clothing, food, referrals to doctors and social services and much more. The controversial part is that they are 100% pro-life. Ron

Ron, I'll bite. I don't understand what is controversial. I think even pro-choice people would donate to a charity that tries to help those that have made up their mind that the best choice is to give the baby life.

Contact the liveries. One of them may be willing to make the contribution out of the standard rental fees. This would simplify things I think. The livery gets the write off (and publicity) and the charity gets the money. Of course those with their own canoes or kayaks can contribute directly.



Apr 10, 2004
Ron, I'll bite. I don't understand what is controversial. I think even pro-choice people would donate to a charity that tries to help those that have made up their mind that the best choice is to give the baby life.


I hope that is 99.9% correct. Just wanted to be honest for the 0.1% that may not agree. Full disclosure.



Apr 10, 2004
The trip is planned for Sunday June 3, Hawkins to Evans using Micks canoe rentals.

I am not sure what kind of turn out to expect. At this point I know of two people from my Church who are interested in going, and they plan on bringing their own canoe.

If anyone is interested please send me a PM and I will provide the details.
