This is from the "Stakeholder Meeting" that was posted earlier in this thread.....
Decisions on restricting use, or "closing areas" for any reason are based upon the Division of Parks and Forestry’s authority to designate or direct any and all recreational or other use on its lands to such specific areas or locations as will be in the best interest of conservation, recreation, preservation and management of the natural and historic resources and the health, safety, and welfare of all persons concerned (NJAC 7:7-2.2) and to limit or close to the public use, specific areas, lands, waters and facilities under its jurisdiction whenever such action is deemed necessary for proper management and operation and/or in the best interest of health, safety and the general welfare of the public (NJAC 7:2-2.3).
Sound like they gave themselves the green light to do what they and interest....conservation, recreation, preservation....natural and historic resources....proper management....general welfare of the public
They covered ALL their bases.