ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
That go around has been there for at least a decade. I read you're original post. There has been is extensive discussion for a trail program with or with out a fee within in this very thread. I personally have no problem paying for a permit as long as that money goes right to enforcement and maintenance. There also can't be exclusions for any one group. What I was getting at and Woodjin explained so well in detail is that even with that kind of finance all roads will not be passable year round. With a good plan hopefully most of them are most of the time.
As far as the 4x4 Mad Max type that the PPA wants everyone to think are out there, you won't find them on this website. I bought a lifted jeep two years ago to save my daily driver the wear and tear. I have always had stock vehicles. Thank to the PPA slander I now have had to defend myself to people who judge me by what I'm driving not the way I'm driving, or even where for that matter. ( It's not a big jeep either)
If you are passionate about this topic I suggest researching both sides and coming up with your own opinion. You will probably find yourself in the middle where most of us are.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Lets all try and relax on this. No need to get worked up about it.
Feb 1, 2016
Camden County, NJ
On Saturday evening I saw two Park Police a mile in Quaker Bridge Road, and one cruised down Mullica River Road and onto Middle Road. On Sunday I was happy to see a Park Police vehicle cruising down Sandy Causeway from Atsion Rd by Goshen Pond. Just before this, I also saw a Jeep stuck on Batsto-Fireline Rd in a huge mud puddle. Instead of using the go around he tried to go through the mud, got stuck on a near 45 degree angle, and while someone bounced up and down on the sideboard, he gunned the engine, making a bigger hole in the mud, and sinking his jeep in deeper. Batso-Fireline Rd-Railroad Ave were (even with MAPS) and are, "legal" roads. I rolled down my window and told them if I thought I could help I would, but I would just make things worse. They were polite, smiled and waved to me. These were young men, nice kids, but they are in fact, tearing up the road, making that particular "legal" stretch impassable. Unless you use the go-around, which in time, will also get torn up. Unless the DEP / Wharton Forest guys fix every road every year, what is the solution here? I am certainly not a "tree hugger", and I am not a "4 wheeler", just someone who wants to use the roads in the forest in a sensible way.
Well as mentioned elsewhere, advocating for a higher maintenance budget would help.

92 Blazer Jeff

Aug 24, 2015
I mean that I drive politely through the woods. I don;'t do doughnuts, drive through mud holes fast, up hills , through spungs, etc. And I didn't say that you did either. But if you think your taxes pay to fix the roads in Wharton you aren't driving through Wharton. Every road has multiple go-arounds, ruts, potholes, and sometimes major impassable mudholes. My point is I would like to find a solution. If the current compromise solves the problem, that would be great. But it doesn't sound like there will be enough money to pay for all the repairs needed. There is too much intransigence on the side of the PPA and guys with 4 x 4's seem to take it personally every time someone points out what is obvious to anyone who drives through the forest, that the roads are being torn up. If I had to pay $100 per year for a Wharton Access Sticker and that fixes the roads, then I would pay the money.
If a access fee is like the boat ramp fee it would just go in the states general fund. And the state can use it for anything.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Stumbled upon this blog today. https://pinebarrensundersiege.com/blog/ This is the kind of thinking that drives me nuts, not everyone in a 4x4 is tearing up wetlands. I drive a stock subaru so I have to be careful where and when I can go places. My stance on the issue is I get frustrated by places I cant get through due to others tearing it up.
Especially when your used to going through a fairly innocuous hole on a regular basis and then one day it swallows you because some yahoo with tires taller then you are decided to create a play hole in the middle of a public road.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
You can use this map with a Garmin GPS. If you don't have one, it also works on computers with Garmin's free Basecamp software. Download it here, documentation is included: core_pines.zip


Or use this one in Google Earth, it has extreme detail including shaded terrain from LIDAR imagery. Download here: boydmap_wharton_30.zip


I think these maps show as many roads and trails in Wharton as any that you will find (but I'm biased). ;)
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
They are certainly hitting the problem area's. I met one at Jemima Mount while walking to it recently. On Sunday one drove by me twice in 5 minutes while walking down a road.


Aug 26, 2011
This topic turned one year old this week. It has been quite the wild ride. I don't think we have solved this problem by any stretch, but I think we are in a much better place than we were on July 18th, 2015. I think there is a lot more attention on the issues in Wharton, there are a lot of people motivated to help and, at the same time, we have not lost our access to reasonable motorized recreation. What will the next year hold?


New Member
Jun 19, 2011
This topic turned one year old this week. It has been quite the wild ride. I don't think we have solved this problem by any stretch, but I think we are in a much better place than we were on July 18th, 2015. I think there is a lot more attention on the issues in Wharton, there are a lot of people motivated to help and, at the same time, we have not lost our access to reasonable motorized recreation. What will the next year hold?

"Reasonable" is where it gets tricky. IMO the MAP was a good start and reasonable to me means you have a purpose to be where you are. IE kayaking spots, hiking, biking, hunting.... Wanting to drive through mud holes in a large truck is not a valid reason.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
How was the MAP going to work? Last weekend we were walking on an off limits to vehicle road at Quarter Mile and a Jeep came driving by. The signs clearly state No Motor Vehicles and he went by it anyway. If there was a MAP along with signs people will still do what they want to do. At least now we have enforcement where before we basically had nothing.
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Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
"Reasonable" is where it gets tricky. IMO the MAP was a good start and reasonable to me means you have a purpose to be where you are. IE kayaking spots, hiking, biking, hunting.... Wanting to drive through mud holes in a large truck is not a valid reason.
I'm not sure how closing 250 miles of established roads could be considered a good start. Especially since it closed off every kayak spot and scenic overlook along the Mullica. If the MAP were in effect today Jon's pictures on his Mullica Morning thread would likely not have been taken since it would have required him to carry his gear nearly a half mile down a road which has no damage. Those little brown signs only stopped law abiding "Responsible" users. The current plan is a much better start IMO.


Apr 9, 2011
I'm not sure how closing 250 miles of established roads could be considered a good start. Especially since it closed off every kayak spot and scenic overlook along the Mullica. If the MAP were in effect today Jon's pictures on his Mullica Morning thread would likely not have been taken since it would have required him to carry his gear nearly a half mile down a road which has no damage. Those little brown signs only stopped law abiding "Responsible" users. The current plan is a much better start IMO.

I have to agree with you the current plan is the best and the more inforcement is the way to go it will stop most of the bs going on


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
We have an established map now. The 1997 topo map. If it's on the map and not posted you are good. A map is only as good as the person using it. Without street signs posted at every intersection it just adds to the confusion. The "I thought I was on this road..." could be said and there would be no way to know if the person was telling the truth. Any closure needs to be posted to eliminate any confusion. People continue to drive down clearly posted roads, there's no map that would stop them. Enforcement is the only thing that has a chance.
I disagree with you on Dave's road, I think it should be repaired as well as Rockwood Road. Cherry Hill road on the other hand should be closed.