Oswego Lake to Sim Place ... 2009


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
PS: Tresspassing is a local thing to me. If I know I can get in and out without coming within 1/2 mile of the landowner home so that they cannot see me and become freaked out, I'll usually chance it, especially since my intentions are honest. I am usually just passing through.

In the case of someone like the owners of SIM Place, I'll give a much wider berth than that (if I do it at all) because I know some of them and they are decent people. It is a matter of respect.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
It is a matter of respect.

It's really a matter of law.

If someone posts a no trespass sign, I take it that they have a reason in doing so and do not want any visitors, so I respect their wishes. If I really have an ugrent need to access their property, I'll ask them first. Very seldom told no. But to each their own.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
Thanks, 46er. The Raritan is one of the major rivers in this part of the state, and if it doesn't meet the navigability test I'd be shocked, as it is regularly canooed as well as kayaked and fished. I would guess the landowners are protecting the line where their properties meet the high water line, and it might very well be a challenge getting from some point of public access to a given spot on the "bank" to fish.

I have a curious inconsistency: I have the greatest respect for private property rights, and tremendous disdain for "No Trespassing" signs. When I ride the Columbia trail they are like little orange, yellow, red, and white billboards every forty feet. Makes me want to say to the landowners: yes, we see that you own all this, now stfu.


Feb 14, 2009
First I must say beautiful pictures.

The owner of Sim Place is Haines & Haines. Though all their land is posted including uplands, they do allow special use of it if asked and permission granted. Sim Place is now an active working bog and has been rehabilitated from it's run down state. I'm sure the Haines family doesn't want to be bothered with multiple requests for permission but if done in a timely manner I'm sure they would at least listen. I know their main focus would come from a liability issue if someone was to get hurt crossing one of the many dikes and flood gates. They are also the ones that own and gated off the end of Andrew Rd at Oswego Lake. They approached the township and asked that the spillway be repaired or that the township abandon the road and that they would maintain it. The township unanimously agreed to abandon the road so that is legally owned by Haines and the reason for the gates.

The river downstream of Sim Place, the land is owned by various gun clubs but I don't think there are any obstacles that you would need to access private property to go around or over but then again I've never been down the river. All I'm saying is to ask permission first if you intend to explore this area.

As far as the laws concerning the rivers, who knows. One thing is these are non tidal and since these bogs date back to the 1800's who knows what may or may not be grandfathered in. Judging from the story this seems to be a route less traveled and for good reason.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
When I ride the Columbia trail they are like little orange, yellow, red, and white billboards every forty feet. Makes me want to say to the landowners: yes, we see that you own all this, now stfu.

Yep, those things sure can get monotonous, but in order for them to be legal they have to be put up every so many feet. Not sure of the distance aroound here, but some folks certainly overdo it. In the hamlet in NY where we were, it was every 30 feet.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area


I think the final quote (from John Humbach, a Pace University law professor who co-authored the pamphlet “Public Navigation Rights in New York State.”) says it all...."“If they are timid, they should not do what you did,” Humbach said. “If they do not like people trampling on their rights, they can do exactly what you did.”


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
True enough, and they should also have deep pockets for legal fee's should they be challenged. I've paddled with Brown, he has the bank account of the magazine to back him; besides, it makes for a good read. In any case, it sure is nice country up there.


Jul 4, 2011
Neat thread. I used to love to canoe and ik (inflatable kayak) in the Pines. And speaking of Simm Place and No Trespassing signs...I mentioned elsewhere that i have a bunch of photos of the Pines from the 60's and 70's, and even 80's, Simm Place too...

I like your tree trespassing interpretation, Manu.

Be right back...I'll scan some of those old Simm Place slides...


Jul 4, 2011
Here's a few I found:

Simm Pl, NJ PB, Keep Out, Sep 1971.jpgOld building near Simm Pl., NJ PB, Sep 71.jpgSimm Place, NJ PB, Sep 1971.jpgNJ PB, Site of Washington, Nov 1972.jpg

Simm Place Keep Out. they've been chasing people away from there fora long time, Sep 1971.

An old building in the woods near Simm Place, Sep 1971

Simm Place, Sep 1971

And this guy just snuck in:

Site of Washington sign, Nov 1972


Jan 13, 2006
Tom M and I did this trip again 2 weeks ago. The water level was low so we didn't get as far upstream as we wanted. We got out and drug over a few spots but decided we were too lazy (plus Tom's advanced age) and turned around. It is still a beautilful trip though. As far as fishing, we didn't get a single bite in the stream, but did ok once we got back to the lake. All in all a nice day.
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Jul 1, 2011
I'm going to try it again in the fall when the weather is cooler and the water is higher. As I mentioned in another thread, the satellite maps appear to show a left hand fork in that stream. Some maps call it the Papoose Branch


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Me too. Is the place radically different today?

Yes. The small bridge has been removed and they now have large pipes under the road. One of the homes is still there and a couple large buildings. A new house has been built there also. I suspect your photo is no longer there. It is now owned by Haines and so you really can't go there.
