Today was the most exhausting trip I have ever taken. Bob, Jeff, and I starting at 7:30 AM this morning traveled up the Oswego from just above Oswego Lake all the way to Sim Place, and back! This is wild country and in the 10 hours we were out there today we saw nobody. Granted, only the insane would travel that route twice in one day.
Before you view my photo’s I have to tell you there was a smudge on my camera lens for every photo.
We started at “Start” and ended at “End”, and returned. I would suggest you NEVER try it.
One of our first visits was this dam that someone built all the way across the river. It would be interesting to know what it was for. It had to have been active since there is a semi good size water area there from the dam.
Bob checking out a plant.
Accumulating branches from the trip.
Taking a break.
In this area you can see that extensive logging took place in the few years prier to 1963.
Going upstream was brutal enough, and this vegetation made it even harder. Jeff ahead of us.
Jeff at the end! There actually is an end to the river at Sim Place. This is private property.
After a long paddle upstream we did a quick trespass to take a few photo’s and have a bit to eat before heading back. All we left were footprints in that area. A rare view of a recent addition to this area since the barcode stickers were still on the wood.
More Swamp Azalea.
Other plants.
And Bob found this bug apparently laying eggs.
And finally, a video of Bob and Jeff getting Jeff’s Kayak across one of the numerous obstacles we had to cross twice. This is 38MB so give it time to load.
I actually have another interesting video of Bob you may want to see; however, the smudge on my lens annoyed me so much I have not posted it. If you really are interested I will upload it later. I am really tired and it is time for bed.
Today was the most exhausting trip I have ever taken. Bob, Jeff, and I starting at 7:30 AM this morning traveled up the Oswego from just above Oswego Lake all the way to Sim Place, and back! This is wild country and in the 10 hours we were out there today we saw nobody. Granted, only the insane would travel that route twice in one day.
Before you view my photo’s I have to tell you there was a smudge on my camera lens for every photo.
We started at “Start” and ended at “End”, and returned. I would suggest you NEVER try it.

One of our first visits was this dam that someone built all the way across the river. It would be interesting to know what it was for. It had to have been active since there is a semi good size water area there from the dam.
Bob checking out a plant.
Accumulating branches from the trip.
Taking a break.
In this area you can see that extensive logging took place in the few years prier to 1963.

Going upstream was brutal enough, and this vegetation made it even harder. Jeff ahead of us.
Jeff at the end! There actually is an end to the river at Sim Place. This is private property.
After a long paddle upstream we did a quick trespass to take a few photo’s and have a bit to eat before heading back. All we left were footprints in that area. A rare view of a recent addition to this area since the barcode stickers were still on the wood.
More Swamp Azalea.
Other plants.
And Bob found this bug apparently laying eggs.
And finally, a video of Bob and Jeff getting Jeff’s Kayak across one of the numerous obstacles we had to cross twice. This is 38MB so give it time to load.
I actually have another interesting video of Bob you may want to see; however, the smudge on my lens annoyed me so much I have not posted it. If you really are interested I will upload it later. I am really tired and it is time for bed.