Black Rooster Tails were my weapon of choice.
I have found this color combination to be particularly attractive to Pickerel. I use it freely in my pursuit of pectorial pleasure.
Black Rooster Tails were my weapon of choice.
I have found this color combination to be particularly attractive to Pickerel. I use it freely in my pursuit of pectorial pleasure.
I wonder why JD did not jump on us as we went by? Maybe he figured we were going to meet the devil by days end anyway
Does that shell have a tag on it?
I am so glad you were able to make it Jeff. It made the trip much more interesting as usual.
I will try that for Pickerel, thanks! I really love that section of the river. It is begging to be explored.
I think Piker was directing that fishing hole tip to me, Bob. Why don't you just stick to the pools below Bamber lake dam.:rofl:Jeff
What do ya mean Tom M and I ?????If I remember correctly you said and I quote " Tom I think we better turn around now it looks like a dead end and I'm a little scared of the canoe seats now " End Quote !!! I have the new seat done for the back and I put the old one back in front since it didn't snap
Another video with a flaw in it from the smudge on my camera lens. This one shows Bob scouting out one of the "flower bogs" we visited. It is short and about 6MB to download.
I just found this article about who owns the rivers in New Jersey, it is a very interesting read, i especially like rule #8.
It most certainly was long before the person who own's it now, and the person before them, and at the time was not illegal.
There is probably a grandfather stipulation in effect, but, it would be interesting to test the waters (no pun intended) to see what would occur if someone would put a canoe or kayak into the reservoir which the Oswego flows through.
I see "no fishing" signs in various places along the S. branch of the Raritan near my home. Mostly wealthy landowners along there. Large preserved "farms" (most grow grass, far as I can tell) and horse operations. The ordinary high water mark test seems pretty clear to me, and by the law those signs are meaningless. I bet they scare a few folks away, though.
i take navigability to the extreme.I also thought no tresspassing signs on trees meant just not tresspass on this other words do not climb,cut on,scrape,pee on or otherwise molest this tree.all spaces in between such trees are fair game so if you can fit between the trees with signs on them you are ok to access.