Oyster Creek Power Plant cooling tower


Jan 2, 2003
I've fished Oyster Creek for decades, from a boat, and always found it to be a good source of blue claw crabs and fish. The channel is always full of traps. Maybe they should take a look at the run off from the towns.


Nov 5, 2008
Jersey Shore
The enviormental groups want everything to shut down but themselves. The fact is that the Oyster Creek Plant has just put a ton of money in the facillity in the way of security censors and cameras, put in extensive parking lots on the East side of Rt 9 and they wouldn't do this if the government was even remotely considering on shutting them down. The fact is that they may increase their output by 20% real soon. That means more jobs, that is what the government wants. Just look at what happened in Copenhagen this past week. I want and like a clean enviorment but I also want to live a good life.


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
This isn’t a case of a few radical environmental groups trying to halt progress and prosperity. I’ve had opportunity to interview quite a few current and retired baymen over the years for the purpose of writing biographies to be published in the show program for the Ocean County Decoy & Gunning Show. These individuals are for the most part politically conservative and not your average PETA type. When asked about their thoughts on the future of the shellfishing industry in Barnegat Bay, the power plant was an issue brought up by a great number of them. Many trace the decline in the bay directly to the power plant.The frequent fish and shellfish larvae kills brought about by plant shutdowns are only part of the problem. The very manner in which the cooling system works itself is a bigger problem. It functions similar to a huge aquarium filter, sucking in the free-swimming larvae of clams and crabs, and untold other bay life, killing them in the process. There is no longer enough reproduction of clams in central Barnegat Bay, and even beyond, to support commercial clam beds. This area once supported hundreds of full and part-time commercial clammers. Most of the former beds are currently not condemned waters, so runoff from other areas is not likely the problem. While it is not a simple matter to accurately place blame on the power plant’s cooling system, many believe this is the case. Cooling towers, as found in more modern plants, would make it a non-issue.


Jan 2, 2003
The problem is the baymen overfishing the bay!
Right now thet're dredging the crabs from their winter homes in the mud of the bay.

GIVE THEM A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
The problem with the bay began they day they opened the Pt Pleasant canal. It's been downhill ever since. The northern part of the bay is a cesspool compared to the area around the plant. Eelgrass, once thought just about gone, is now flourishing. The most vocal of the groups is Save Barnegat Bay, says it all, I don't beleive there is an acredited scientist on their board. The committee did the right thing, hopefully the environuts will come to their collective senses, but I doubt that will happen. To my knowledge, no long term water temperature study has been conducted for the bay area around the power plant. Studies have been done measuring nitrates, but nothing regarding the impact of the powerplant. Just a lot of unsubstantiated accusations and theories.

See what I mean below;

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
This isn’t a case of a few radical environmental groups trying to halt progress and prosperity. I’ve had opportunity to interview quite a few current and retired baymen over the years for the purpose of writing biographies to be published in the show program for the Ocean County Decoy & Gunning Show. These individuals are for the most part politically conservative and not your average PETA type. When asked about their thoughts on the future of the shellfishing industry in Barnegat Bay, the power plant was an issue brought up by a great number of them. Many trace the decline in the bay directly to the power plant.The frequent fish and shellfish larvae kills brought about by plant shutdowns are only part of the problem. The very manner in which the cooling system works itself is a bigger problem. It functions similar to a huge aquarium filter, sucking in the free-swimming larvae of clams and crabs, and untold other bay life, killing them in the process. There is no longer enough reproduction of clams in central Barnegat Bay, and even beyond, to support commercial clam beds. This area once supported hundreds of full and part-time commercial clammers. Most of the former beds are currently not condemned waters, so runoff from other areas is not likely the problem. While it is not a simple matter to accurately place blame on the power plant’s cooling system, many believe this is the case. Cooling towers, as found in more modern plants, would make it a non-issue.
So do you think this is a good enough reason to allow Trenton to push this to the point of possible shutdown? Look at Eagle Point. Over 500 jobs not including the local businesses and contractor companies. look at the power plant just south of Philadelphia International Airport. Over 200 jobs lost not including the local businesses and contractors. Look at Delaware City Valero. Over 500 jobs lost not including the 1200 contractors a day. This plant also fed propane to all the chicken farms in the Delmarva area for heat in the chicken coops. Local businesses. Look at the post office by Eagle point. These are HUGE employers going to crap and tens of thousands of people are financially being affected by this. I also believe we need to keep our environmental standards that we already have but pushing more companies into the ground????? cmon theres gotta be a limit. Doctors Lawyers everything is getting effected and the biggest is our tax money. People don't have insurance anymore, so they are looking to Government aid.People don't have the money for Lawyers anymore so you're looking at more people with warrants possible jail time. getting fed off of your tax money. Last thing we need is anymore crap to run the big companies out. Cap and Trade needs to be voted out, this cooling tower issue needs to be eliminated. Soon the only ones that will be able to live in this country are Illegal Immigrants and drug dealers because all of the LEGIT jobs are going to be eliminated. If you are lacking the morals enough to think this is the way to go you mine as well spit at every veteran take down your American flag and jump up and down on it and throw it away, because you are fighting against everything that our people have fought to keep in this country. If the clams ARE ACTUALLY being affected by this I say screw the clams and lets start caring about our own being for a couple years and lets get America back on its feet. :jeffd:


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
First, I am as concerned about the jobs of those who harvest our food from the bay and ocean as I am about the natural resource itself. Those jobs are every bit as valuable and have been here far longer than the jobs of those working at the plant.

I’m actually an enthusiastic proponent of using nuclear to solve our energy problems. Its drawbacks pale in comparison to the other practical energy sources (wind and solar are still not practical to fill all our needs at this point). Modern nuclear power can be very safe and efficient, but that is not the case with the Oyster Creek plant. It is the oldest plant in the nation and uses an antiquated cooling system that essentially uses Barnegat Bay as its radiator fluid. A more modern closed cooling system re-uses the same cooling water, requiring only occasional replenishment due to evaporation.

The sweeping generalizations about jobs do not address the issue at hand and could just as easily be used as an argument for dismantling the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan and even the State Forest System itself. After all, there are over a million acres of valuable real estate being wasted in the Pine Barrens because they are prized by a small group of off-roaders, tree huggers and history buffs who get excited over a sand road, a rare plant or an old mill foundation in the woods. This land would better serve the public if it was totally open to developers to provide jobs, homes and places of work. Now if you do not agree with that mentality then you should not use the same ridiculous argument to give the Oyster Creek plant a blank check.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
In no way am I saying give them a blank check. I'm saying keep the regs where they are until our economy comes up at least. Is there proof documented somewhere that the power Plant is wiping out the clams???? Why do all the fisherman and crabbers PREFER Oyster Creek Outlet????? Warm Water bringing in more aquatic life??????
How is it a ridiculous argument?????? How many people are FINICALLY affected by the clams disappearing??????? How many people would be affected by the plant closing???? Do you honesxtly agree that this amount of people going on unemployment is worth the elimination of the warm water?????
Apr 6, 2004
mudboydave said:
In no way am I saying give them a blank check. I'm saying keep the regs where they are until our economy comes up at least. Is there proof documented somewhere that the power Plant is wiping out the clams???? Why do all the fisherman and crabbers PREFER Oyster Creek Outlet????? Warm Water bringing in more aquatic life??????
How is it a ridiculous argument?????? How many people are FINICALLY affected by the clams disappearing??????? How many people would be affected by the plant closing???? Do you honesxtly agree that this amount of people going on unemployment is worth the elimination of the warm water?????

I counted six questions, yet I see 38 question marks.


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
The plant has already passed its life expectancy and is now opereating on a 20 year extension license. Im all for anything to make it, or its surrounding environment (me and my town of Lacey included) safer. Without the cooling tower over 2% of the bay's water is sucked in a day. I guess wildlife isn't important to some people these days. It stinks people would have to get new jobs if the plant closed, but the line for a cleaner evironment needs to be drawn at some point. Living the good life comes at a high cost for nature, which has no voice to hear.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
The plant has already passed its life expectancy and is now opereating on a 20 year extension license. Im all for anything to make it, or its surrounding environment (me and my town of Lacey included) safer. Without the cooling tower over 2% of the bay's water is sucked in a day. I guess wildlife isn't important to some people these days. It stinks people would have to get new jobs if the plant closed, but the line for a cleaner evironment needs to be drawn at some point. Living the good life comes at a high cost for nature, which has no voice to hear.

God, I sure hope the guvmint doesn't put me under if I'm fortunate enough to get past my life expectancy :rolleyes:


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
The warm water is an artificially created benefit that only affects the waters immediately downstream of the plant. And I would hesitate to even call it a benefit when most everything drawn to that warm water is killed off by the frequent and unplanned plant shutdowns. The plant has a dismal record of these shutdowns and associated fish kills due to its age and condition. Just Google Oyster Creek shutdown and you will quickly have a record of the press articles covering these events in recent years.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
The plant has already passed its life expectancy and is now opereating on a 20 year extension license. Im all for anything to make it, or its surrounding environment (me and my town of Lacey included) safer. Without the cooling tower over 2% of the bay's water is sucked in a day. I guess wildlife isn't important to some people these days. It stinks people would have to get new jobs if the plant closed, but the line for a cleaner evironment needs to be drawn at some point. Living the good life comes at a high cost for nature, which has no voice to hear.

Coming from a power type industry I can tell you the amount of tests that are performed in our plant (built in 1916) is constant. I'd have to say today we are running safer than what we were 10 yearsago due to the newer saftey standards and technology that have surfaced. I can only logically guess that a nuke plant would have to meet safer specs.Wildlife is more important to me than most things. However as it stands right now there is no jobs avaiable. ?With everything else that has closed down, there is a flood of operators, electricans, instrument techs, boilermakers etc. out there begging for jobs. I also agree that a line for a cleaner environment has to be drawn at some point. Wheres it at? I don't even see a pen out starting to draw that line with all the new regs that keep popping up. For the third time I wiull repeat myself as well: It isa not that I am 100% against new regs, but now is not the time to be forcing people to depend off of others tax money. We can do all we want to help save the environment and push more people into unemployment but no matter what other countries are going to continue to do worse than where we were 50 years ago. Also for everyone who has moved to Lacey township and Ocean, after 1965, when the plant first started being built maybe they dshould have looked elsewheres. Its like moving to Atco and complaining about the noise of the racetrack. (by all means Mike I am not saying that you/family havent been there since before 65. I know alot of people from Bamber are in families of the originals.)

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
just a heads up, I'm looking at this as strictly a debate of opinion. I still believe that we have alot of common interests and should not allow this to keep us from enjoying those interests later in time.


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Im not complaining about the plant.. just throwing facts out like everyone else here has been doing, but I wouldn't be bothered if they decided to shut it down tomorrow and raise my taxes. As for other countries like MD mentioned, I think too often our country looks to see what other countries are doing (like China and pollution for example). Instead of taking our ball and going home like a big baby, maybe we should be the ones setting examples. I hate the part we sometimes play and it sounds childish to say, "If they won't, why should we?" That mentality won't help much.