This isn’t a case of a few radical environmental groups trying to halt progress and prosperity. I’ve had opportunity to interview quite a few current and retired baymen over the years for the purpose of writing biographies to be published in the show program for the Ocean County Decoy & Gunning Show. These individuals are for the most part politically conservative and not your average PETA type. When asked about their thoughts on the future of the shellfishing industry in Barnegat Bay, the power plant was an issue brought up by a great number of them. Many trace the decline in the bay directly to the power plant.The frequent fish and shellfish larvae kills brought about by plant shutdowns are only part of the problem. The very manner in which the cooling system works itself is a bigger problem. It functions similar to a huge aquarium filter, sucking in the free-swimming larvae of clams and crabs, and untold other bay life, killing them in the process. There is no longer enough reproduction of clams in central Barnegat Bay, and even beyond, to support commercial clam beds. This area once supported hundreds of full and part-time commercial clammers. Most of the former beds are currently not condemned waters, so runoff from other areas is not likely the problem. While it is not a simple matter to accurately place blame on the power plant’s cooling system, many believe this is the case. Cooling towers, as found in more modern plants, would make it a non-issue.