me ,My Wife,and my daughter and boyfriend and her two kids went walking in Parker Preserve yesterday.We intended on what I figured was a two mile loop and it turned into a 3 plus mile hike.On getting back to the car I rechecked the Billboard more thoroughly then I did on the way in since I knew the trail and had walked it several times previously a couple years ago and no mention was made of the river that now cut through the designated hiking trail I was trying to hike. I have no idea if this river crossing the trail which looked to be at least waist deep,maybe deeper was the idea of some nimrod who knows no better then to make a designated hiking trail,then rip out the dike it travels down without building a bridge or making a notice at the trailhead or if the winter rains did this.I had a six year ol grand daughter along who we knew could walk 2 miles but the almost four miles had her on her dads shoulders and her ten year old brother hobbling.I am also hobbling now for doing it in sneakers.Does anyone know if this is natural or idiot made?. We did the loop clockwise with a couple side trips and the river crossing is at the blue X.We were within site of closing the loop and had to walk all the way back around.I was going to strip and wade but the women refused and the grandson is also too big to carry.