So far I've been to Home Depot, Target, CVS, Rite-Aid, Eckard and no luck finding permethrin treatments for clothing. All they have are DEET based products. And I know from my experience, DEET is useless for stopping ticks.
Why don't stores carry permethrin? I guess the DEET lobby is so big and powerful they can keep stores from carrying permethrin. If DEET does so little to protect against ticks, why do they constantly advertise that is protects you from ticks and lyme disease? That's very false advertizing. Not to mention prolonged exposure to DEET isn't healthy. And it wears off after a couple of hours anyway.
It makes everything sticky too. Meanwhile permethrin is effective for weeks as it stays within the clothing.
And it kills the ticks. So it's a much more sure thing (though you should always check for ticks).
I'd rather get the permethrin in a store, if I get it online I have to deal with shipping. Also I've noticed permethrin is used in some household bug sprays, but they say don't use on clothing. I have a bug spray that uses prelethrin, I wonder if that will work.
I want to get into the woods this week with the beautiful weather and all (before it gets too hot) but I don't want to have ticks crawling all over me and having the DEET for dessert!
Why don't stores carry permethrin? I guess the DEET lobby is so big and powerful they can keep stores from carrying permethrin. If DEET does so little to protect against ticks, why do they constantly advertise that is protects you from ticks and lyme disease? That's very false advertizing. Not to mention prolonged exposure to DEET isn't healthy. And it wears off after a couple of hours anyway.
It makes everything sticky too. Meanwhile permethrin is effective for weeks as it stays within the clothing.
And it kills the ticks. So it's a much more sure thing (though you should always check for ticks).
I'd rather get the permethrin in a store, if I get it online I have to deal with shipping. Also I've noticed permethrin is used in some household bug sprays, but they say don't use on clothing. I have a bug spray that uses prelethrin, I wonder if that will work.
I want to get into the woods this week with the beautiful weather and all (before it gets too hot) but I don't want to have ticks crawling all over me and having the DEET for dessert!