I am embarking into the world of 360 panorama virtual photography.I do not have the optimal camera or lens for it but am making due with what I have.With a wide angle fisheye lens you can do in six shots what it takes me 50 shots to do.I am eventually going to post some on Google Earth "360 Cities" but need four to start out with and out of 6 I've done two only are good so far.They have to be 360 horizontal and 180 vertical and some I have missed areas and others the program did not stitch properly.I did one of my yard but do not want that posted on Google Earth.Anyway here is the link to my panoramas which is a site that allows you to view and spin them and when i get four good ones I will send them to google earth which has to review them before posting.
I want to get a good sample of all the ecosystems landscapes of the Barrens and other habitats of south Jersey.
Kirby's is inside the Millville city limits and is about the most beautiful upland barrens I know of yet it is not protected as barrens but was recently incorporated into the nature conservancy.It shows waht a difference there is between physiographic Barrens and political barrens.Millville sets totally on the Cohansey acquifer and so does Vineland and wherever the woods are not in succesional stages of post agriculture developement they are pine/oak or oak/pine woodlands,some areas are quite piney especially those that are on the xeric side for white and red oaks.
Anyhow these are not perfect but hopefully i will do better with what i have and maybe get better equipment if I get hooked on it.
I want to get a good sample of all the ecosystems landscapes of the Barrens and other habitats of south Jersey.
Kirby's is inside the Millville city limits and is about the most beautiful upland barrens I know of yet it is not protected as barrens but was recently incorporated into the nature conservancy.It shows waht a difference there is between physiographic Barrens and political barrens.Millville sets totally on the Cohansey acquifer and so does Vineland and wherever the woods are not in succesional stages of post agriculture developement they are pine/oak or oak/pine woodlands,some areas are quite piney especially those that are on the xeric side for white and red oaks.
Anyhow these are not perfect but hopefully i will do better with what i have and maybe get better equipment if I get hooked on it.