Pictures worth a thousand words


New Member
Sep 1, 2003
You don't say much but you sure do post some nice pictures. When was that picture of the fox taken? I've never seen fox in the Pines. I have seen them at Island Beach State Park though.


I just signed up recently but have read the posts on this site from time to time. I am trying to "catch up" on most of the posts. There is a lot to read!!

I spotted the fox and his den near Friendship Bogs. He was quite active about a year ago. I visited him quite a few times there. By the time the snows came this Winter I think he was gone/perished. Two factors might have lead to this - (1) Apparently more than one party likes to runs their hunting dogs at that location early in the morning - (2) The fox seemed as though he might be sick (Rabies?), as it exhibited very tame behavior when I approached.
I don't know a whole lot about foxes, but I will post a picture I took of him where he just curled up and went to sleep 20ft from me.

Anyway, I have been back to the site many times and have seen no foxes. :(

I know a few of the members of this site have combed the bogs there from there posts (might be from the PBE site). Anyone ever see any signs of fox there?


By the way, the foxes I've seen in the Pines have always been Red, never Grey.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I saw one right near ROG when I was searching for my knife last weekend.



New Member
Sep 1, 2003
The fox seemed as though he might be sick (Rabies?), as it exhibited very tame behavior when I approached.
I don't know a whole lot about foxes, but I will post a picture I took of him where he just curled up and went to sleep 20ft from me.

I posted the pic of the sleeping fox in my gallery.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
That isn't an ordinary camera that anyone could afford I would assume. What kind is it? Those photo's are over 18MB.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I was looking at my Graphic Program where it told how much Ram the program was using, in this case 18MB. My mistake.

I should have just looked at the properties to see what camera it was. Properties is not a Mac word, tough to get use to.



New Member
Sep 1, 2003
Anyone have a guess on the behavior of the fox? I didn't sneak up on it. I followed it into the woods and it layed down and went to sleep in front of me. Very odd...


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Sschliv said:
Anyone have a guess on the behavior of the fox? I didn't sneak up on it. I followed it into the woods and it layed down and went to sleep in front of me. Very odd...

That, my friend is extremely odd. I saw a fox yesterday, one of those tall lanky ones with nicely detailed black feet. I stopped where he went into the woods. He had just exited a puddle (the water was still moving) onto this little island of woods surrounded on three sides by roads. I could not see him in there hiding from me, but I knew he was there.........bob
Sschliv said:
Anyone have a guess on the behavior of the fox? I didn't sneak up on it. I followed it into the woods and it layed down and went to sleep in front of me. Very odd...


A couple of months ago, near Hampton Furnace, I came upon a racoon that appeared to have been eating horse dung. He behaved very strangely also. I was in my truck and he just keep walking towards me very slowly and a bit unsteadily. He was either sick or perhaps drunk from fermented dung. I don't know, it was very strange.
