I have the 1959 survey of that location, and looking it over I see that where the beaver dam location happens to be is NOT part of the Greenwood Forest. That does not mean it presently is not, just that originally it wasn’t. The next time you are at the dumpster location, look closely at the big tree right at the corner and you will notice three old large slashes in that tree that I noticed today. The Greenwood property crosses at that corner and follows the OUTER edge of the Webbs Mill Branch and goes completely around it and then continues on the other side.
This 1963 aerial shows the survey lines from 4 years earlier. Everything inside the yellow lines is not Greenwood. The red location is the dumpster and you can see the survey line crosses right there at that tree and they put 3 large slashes in it.
The survey tells me that hidden in the cedar swamp there, someone used a tire “hub” as a corner, and I suspect it still is there. I have known about it but never looked for it, but now I think I will check it out. I have the coordinates for it so I should be able to find it easily.