Planned rally at Brendan Byrne 5/17

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008
Friends of Brendan T. Byrne State Forest will be sponsoring a Rally at Pakim Pond in Brendan T. Byrne State Forest on Saturday May 17, 2008 between the hours of 1:00PM and 3:00PM. We need everyones support to show the Governor that the forest is being used and should not be put on a Passive Recreation Plan. I inplore all to get the word out to please show up. Also any input that can be given to me will be appreciated, such as groups to contact that would be interested in being there.

The Passive Recreation Plan would mean... no camping, no swimming, no facilities, no special use permits, no employees, no fun....... :argh:
Nov 12, 2007
atlantic county

unfortunetly I will be out of town that day otherwise I would certainly be there to support the parks cause, I think its rediculous to take away something that most everyone can afford for the day for some summer fun and relaxation
Friends of Brendan T. Byrne State Forest will be sponsoring a Rally at Pakim Pond in Brendan T. Byrne State Forest on Saturday May 17, 2008 between the hours of 1:00PM and 3:00PM. We need everyones support to show the Governor that the forest is being used and should not be put on a Passive Recreation Plan. I inplore all to get the word out to please show up. Also any input that can be given to me will be appreciated, such as groups to contact that would be interested in being there.

The Passive Recreation Plan would mean... no camping, no swimming, no facilities, no special use permits, no employees, no fun....... :argh:

May 17th (got it) gonna mark it down on my callender.

Pine Baron

Feb 23, 2008
Sandy Run
I was hoping the rally would be on the w/e of 5-11 when MP originally posted. Unfortunately, I'll be on Long Island that weekend. I'll certainly spread the word to any one interested, though.

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008
Know any user groups??

Does anyone belong or can put me intouch with any diffrent user groups, Hiking, biking equestrain, scouting, camping, jeep, 4x4... anyone...

or have them contact me....

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Devils advocate here -- making Byrne passive recreation means what? No camping? Because that's the only "active" thing that goes on there, as far as I know.

Is it so bad to have to go to Atsion or any of the other facilities nearby to camp?


Jan 16, 2008
Port Charlotte, Fl.
Devils advocate here -- making Byrne passive recreation means what? No camping? Because that's the only "active" thing that goes on there, as far as I know.

Is it so bad to have to go to Atsion or any of the other facilities nearby to camp?

Don't you mean Corzines advocate?:rofl:

There's hiking for one. The Batona Trail heads through there and the Mt Misery trail is a great trail that has just about everything along it except ruins. You should really check it out, the bogs are amazing!



Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
I have not been to Pakim Pond in a while but last time I was there it seemed to not be a very inviting place to swim. It was choked w/ weeds and had a film over it. I was wondering if it is still in that condition. If the forest were indeed "closed" except for passive rec, I'm assuming the rangers would not be stationed there and that would put the cabins and yurts in jeopardy of being trashed by drunken yahoos. As mentioned in other threads related to this topic, there would be no way to stop someone from hiking in the forest. And what about Whitesbog- no more educational programs and who would watch over the historic and fragile buildings?

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008
Yeah but hiking is passive recreation. If there's a question of trail maintenance, I am sure one of the outdoor clubs will be happy to take that over.

from what I have heard...

about 80 people will lose their jobs (state wide), those include staff that clean the rest rooms and clean and maintain the parks, No camping, no clean rest rooms for daytime visitors. Areas that have gated sections will be off limits. No summertime help will be hired, (no lifeguards) No swimming at the lakes and ponds in effected parks, which includes Round Valley (also no boating) Attractions will be shut down and boarded up, but utilities will still run to preserve the contents. Trailhead displays and facilities will not be opened or maintained. No special use permits will be granted. According to the two Park Superintendents that were spoken to at the rally in Trenton, from Parvin State Park and Kittany Park, they see this as only the beginning and would not be surprised to see these or some form of the same measures implemented to other parks within the state next year or months to come.

These "concessions" as the Gov Jon calls them will save less then half of what is being spent to build the new proposed state parks within urban areas...

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
about 80 people will lose their jobs (state wide)

That sucks.

those include staff that clean the rest rooms and clean and maintain the parks,

If the bathrooms are closed, they won't need to be cleaned.

No camping

Eh, they're eliminating services in places that not many people use. There's plenty of camping in Wharton, and it's a short trip from Byrne. I don't see that as a huge loss.

no clean rest rooms for daytime visitors.

Again, unless you're hanging out near the parking lot area or the ranger station, where are there bathrooms? Most of us on the site are exploring places that don't have bathrooms nearby. It's not a big loss to me.

Areas that have gated sections will be off limits.

I can't think of a single place in Byrne that's gated to begin with.

No summertime help will be hired, (no lifeguards) No swimming at the lakes and ponds in effected parks, which includes Round Valley (also no boating)

Okay, I guess that sucks for people who would swim in the lakes. I wouldn't swim in Atsion Lake. They could perhaps make it swim at your own risk.

Attractions will be shut down and boarded up,

What attractions are there in Byrne?

Trailhead displays and facilities will not be opened or maintained. No special use permits will be granted.

What special use permits have been granted at Bryne?

I just don't see the big deal about turning Bryne into passive recreation only. The biggest problem I see are the people who will be out of a job, and really they should just come out and say that they're rallying to save their jobs and not so much a State Forest that, besides camping, is pretty much devoid of any other active recreation.

Just my $0.02.

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008
I think.. my opinion that the sites and facilities at BB are much nicer then atsion for the family camp. And the woods are nicer also.

There is a gate just before Pakim Pond. not that I would swim there either but there are cabins there to rent and Atsion's cabins are larger and always booked

The Indain King Tavern in Haddonfield is part of Brenden Byrne, it will be shut down because of it..

There are sactioned Mtn bike races in BBSF, the horses people use it afew times a year, scouts from all over SJ use the it for special camping events, there was one 2 weekends ago there with about 125 scouts and their families the group picinic area will be closed, which many, many special, handi capped and disabiled groups use throught the year. There was a trail race being planned there this year (trail running). You would lose the option to camp there if hiking Batona. It has one of the few Handicap accessable trails in a state forest that's not paved. And as per the DEP directive access to some trails will be impacted. Take a ride out there this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, check out the lack of activities going on...


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
If the budget is going to be brought under control then unfortunately a lot of state workers will need to lose their jobs. Whether the state parks are going to bear a disproportionate burden in this process is another matter; I am not following it. We've discussed this in another thread, and of course in the end it all comes down to lobbies and politics.

No matter what state program or agency is targeted for closing, there's guaranteed to be a chorus of "think of the children!" and "what about the handicapped people?". I just don't know - I'm sick of politics so you guys will need to solve this one. But that kind of thinking is just another symptom of how we got in this mess in the first place. Every special interest wants its piece of the pie, and they are all "worthy causes" in the end.

Personally, if there are less tourists at the picnic areas, less boy scouts and less mountain bikes it won't upset me, I'll still go there and enjoy the woods. Perhaps the people who feel strongly about saving Byrne can donate to a fund to help support these things? In fact, isn't there some movement to create such a funding source for the parks?


Apr 11, 2005
potter co. pa.
i just read this in the news, below is a partial from the article

New Jersey has headquarters or major facilities for 15 of the world's top 25 pharmaceutical companies.

Before November's vote, lawmakers and Corzine approved $270 million to build five stem cell research facilities in the state. Corzine has not said how that money would now be spent.

also NJ is now the higest per-capita income state in the usa not 2nd any more !

so why is there no money !!!

as our accountant used to tells us "the rich don,t pay taxes" and big corporations in nj not only pay little or nothing but get free tax money from the already "raked over the coals middle and lower class in nj"

also interseting, there is only two states in the usa that still tax its residents those income is below the national poverty level, NJ IS ONE OF THEM

NJ should have plenty of money for parks !!! but thanks to the crooked politicans and voters who put up with them the rich get richer and the big corperations keep raking in outragous profits

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008
Well no one is trying to force anyone to go.....

if you feel the parks should remain as they are and can come, show up,

if you don't care about it at all, then don't worry about it,

if your against keeping the parks as they are,

stay home or find some rally in support of Gov Whorezine's plan...