Planned rally at Brendan Byrne 5/17


Jan 16, 2008
Port Charlotte, Fl.
This weekend at Parvin SP there will be what I thibk is a good chance to have two good deeds put in the ledger. There's going to be an MS Walk on Sunday and I see that as a fine chance to spread the word about the BBSF rally and to help a good cause.
The fine folks at Bel Haven Paddlesports told me the walk is Sunday May 4th with registration @ 9:00 and the walk @10:00. I've never been to Parvin so, I really have no idea how long the trail is.
It's a golden chance to spread the word and also to help a good cause. Hope to see you fine folks there. I'll be the guy with the bolt on leg if you feel like coming up and saying hello.

Apr 6, 2004
onehand said:
i just read this in the news, below is a partial from the article

New Jersey has headquarters or major facilities for 15 of the world's top 25 pharmaceutical companies.

Before November's vote, lawmakers and Corzine approved $270 million to build five stem cell research facilities in the state. Corzine has not said how that money would now be spent.

also NJ is now the higest per-capita income state in the usa not 2nd any more !

so why is there no money !!!

as our accountant used to tells us "the rich don,t pay taxes" and big corporations in nj not only pay little or nothing but get free tax money from the already "raked over the coals middle and lower class in nj"

also interseting, there is only two states in the usa that still tax its residents those income is below the national poverty level, NJ IS ONE OF THEM

NJ should have plenty of money for parks !!! but thanks to the crooked politicans and voters who put up with them the rich get richer and the big corperations keep raking in outragous profits

Sad but true.

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008

Brendan T. Byrne Forest


When: Saturday May 17, 2008

What Time: 1 PM to 3 PM

Where: Pakim Pond in Brendan T. Byrne State Forest

Governor Corzine is proposing a budget cut that would abandon nine of the New Jersey state forests and parks. One of them is the Brendan T. Byrne State Forest, which seems to be a prime area for hikers, campers, horseback riders, picnic groups, motorcyclists, horse and carriage enthusiasts, cyclist and dog sledders which are some of the many groups that use the forest. We would like to see the various groups and individuals attend this rally. Representatives of the various groups are welcomed to address the rally.

The purpose of the rally is to show Governor Corrine that access to these forests and parks is critical to the quality of life in New Jersey. His Passive Recreation Plan in reality is the abandonment of these parks and forests. This would equate to having open parks that would have no public facilities or staff to maintain them. We cannot gamble that his Abandonment Plan for the parks and forest is a hollow threat.

Without resistance to the Governor’s proposed plans, the parks could be closed as early as July 2008


New Member
Dec 11, 2007
No Closings Possible

I heard today on NJ101.5 that no cuts are planned and parks are not going to close. It was through a phone conversation with someone connected with a non-profit group (can't remember) and Jennifer Beck. Jen stated to him that 'the state found $9M, and no parks are closing'.

I can't confirm this anywhere else though, so take it with a grain of salt. Anyone else hear it?




I have always loved both Deep Hollow and Lebanon State Forest. I am appalled at what has become of Deep Hollow and I am sure the same fate will await Pakim Pond and that side of the forest. It is pitiful. Corzine needs to see firsthand what has happened to the "closed" side of the forest.
I will tell as many people as I can and my husband and I will be there to rally.



The original post got me so worked up I did not read the one that said it was called off - still, it would not hurt to let Governor Corzine see what has happened to Deep Hollow would it?