Plants, Hanover Stone, and the jCRR


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

For me today was a productive day. Our first objective was to visit the lone Trumpet Pitcher plant and photograph it in the summertime. I found it to be in fairly food shape.

After photographing it I started to roam around and found out that it is not the only one there as I and apparently others have thought. There are at least two more about 15 feet away. These are very minor plants, with one of them being an odd color on the end of one of the tubes.

At this point I decided that I would try my luck at finding something I had been investigating for almost two years. I had found the locations of the Hanover stones along the Lawrence line, but the line only is on 1/4 of Hanover Furnace and Farm property, and there surely must be more stones on the rest of the property still around. I had been studying maps for the longest time, and had put one coordinate in my GPS where I felt I may have a good chance of finding one if one still survived. Nearby this coordinate I am certain there will be others.

So I headed for that location taking some thin roads that had some high growth in the middle of them which scraped the bottom of my car as we drove. We arrived where I wanted to be and unbelievably within a few minutes this appeared in the woods.

After photographing it I started looking for the others, but a major swamp and the lack of calculated coordinates ended that for the day. Come fall I am certain I will find the other 4 or so I believe are out there just in this one small area.

Sensing the morning was going well, we headed over the the JCRR to look for Milepost 74 which Jessica found after we had some trouble.

We then drove and walked to find Milepost 73 which we did not find, but there were some interesting things along the way. Not far from 539 we passed by what must be the switch box that in the past controlled the warnings where the JCRR crossed 539.

But more importantly we found another JCRR telegraph pole like the one we found at the Blue Comet accident. This was in two pieces but you can still see the steel supports and the bolts for the insulators.

Notice the bolts on the top.

The pole.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Good day for you Guy, especially the hanover stone. It was a gorgeous day for being outside. That other trumpet pitcher is interesting. Good find. I googled up images of sarracenia flava and some do have the prominent veins.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

It is funny you should mention the great day. We left here shortly after 8AM and the weather was nice all day until we arrived home around 12:30. As we entered my town the streets were all wet. Arriving home my wife said it rained all morning, and it rained or was dark a fair amount of time throughout the afternoon here.

As for the Hanover stone, I was thrilled finding that one and I know for a fact there are more around there and I know where they are approximately. I have the hand written notes of the Hanover survey and they describe it. I also tonight have spent a few hours looking over my maps and reading the survey report and have found some interesting things. I am certain you Jessica and I actually found one of the Hanover Stones just before we met Steve and KenDawg the day we ran into them at Red Oak Grove. I was running a line on my computer from known locations, and it went right to the waypoint I had in my program for that stone.

I have also found where other Hanover (Jones Tract) stones will be near 72 and the JCRR bridge, and on the back road off of 72 to Old Half Way. Yes, the Jones property went all the way down there from Colliers Mills and Browns Mills. It was a massive piece of property!

And there were two other trumpets there even though they are small. I bet there are more if we explore around there more.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
bruset said:
I am still convinced that there are more stones out by Black's Stone in the FRM's.

Not far from Black's stone (1.5 crow miles), there is a point in the woods where a few property lines meet for General John Lacey's tract. I have wondered if something is there. Probably stumble though the woods and come upon a granite monument with Ol' John mounted on a rearing horse.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BobM said:
Not far from Black's stone (1.5 crow miles), there is a point in the woods where a few property lines meet for General John Lacey's tract. I have wondered if something is there. Probably stumble though the woods and come upon a granite monument with Ol' John mounted on a rearing horse.

That sounds promising. Outing!

And Ben, come up with clues and I am there!


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
TeeGate said:
That sounds promising. Outing!

And Ben, come up with clues and I am there!


Congratulations on hitting 3000 posts. :)

Anyway, I did try to go to the Hall of Records in Toms River and was told to pretty much buzz off. As it is, I believe the survey is in Freehold anyway. The problem is, of course, getting the chance to go over there and check it out. I bet that if I had no job, I'd be able to do a lot more research.

Maybe someday I will take a day off and just go through Freehold's archives.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
bruset said:
Congratulations on hitting 3000 posts. :)

Anyway, I did try to go to the Hall of Records in Toms River and was told to pretty much buzz off. As it is, I believe the survey is in Freehold anyway. The problem is, of course, getting the chance to go over there and check it out. I bet that if I had no job, I'd be able to do a lot more research.

Maybe someday I will take a day off and just go through Freehold's archives.

If you do decide to take a day off, give me some notice before the nearest Sunday night and if you want I will come also.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
My complete family headed out late this afternoon to see if we could find a stone I wanted to find. It is about a half mile away from the JCRR bridge on 72 and we were able to easily take the main dirt roads to it. Sure enough it was located right in the middle of the road, or I should say right in the middle of a path leading from the road. Next to the stone was a NJ marker for the Greenwood Forest tract. I still am not sure if this is part of the Hanover Tract border.

My wife took this one with her camera. I am clearing away the dirt to see if anything else is marked on the NJ stone. The native stone is at Jessica feet, and a piece of it is still next to the cement stone. I replaced it when done and covered it over.

EDIT: My wife found some Indian Pipe while walking down one of the roads.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
bruset said:
You're brave to be out in shorts in chigger season.

I knew we would be walking on an open road so I felt I would be fine. However, as usual I get sidetracked and on the return trip I walked down the JCRR with Jes. I found two of them on me.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Bob or anyone,

Have you ever heard of 'Indian Jake Branch"? It would be in the woods between the JCRR bridge on 72 to the Ocean/Burlington line near Old Half Way or Union Clay Works. I am assuming closer to the JCRR Bridge.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
There's also a "Jakes Branch" over here just east of Cedar Creek. If flows into South Toms River and then into Toms River (I mean the river, not the town).