Poor fellow.

I'm sure many of you are familier with the little "play" spot on Tuckerton Rd not fat off of Carrenza. It's the little dirt mound with a puddle at the base, off the side of the road.
I came across the poor fellow today. He had gotten stuck last night and had come back for it today. He said he was waiting for a friend to show up with a big truck.



Oh, and he didn't have much fun doing it as he never got through it even once.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Did he seem upset that you were taking photo's of him?

The front tires appear to be not so great.

Nice photo's :)



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Did you get out today? My God, what a great day. I was in the Warren Grove area out in the plains mostly, then up around the cedar creek headwaters. I was out from 10:30 to 7:30.
Did you get out today? My God, what a great day. I was in the Warren Grove area out in the plains mostly, then up around the cedar creek headwaters. I was out from 10:30 to 7:30.

I was out just for a little while today. Last night a couple of friends and I paddled up the Mullica a bit then drifted back down to Beaver Pond to watch the sunset and moon rise. At Beaver Pond we ran into some members of the OCSJ who were doing a moon lite hike.
Excellent weekend.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I had to paint the nursery but when I was done I got out for a bit. Got Chigged real bad and had to head home to shower. Hopefully I got them all.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area

I was in the grass most of the day, and with the hip boots and spray on them, got nary a chigger. At one point I had switched to the knee highs and I got a line of them on my pants. I easily brushed them off with the edge of my hand.

I have found that if you wear light clothing and look at your legs very frequently, you can usually beat them.

Tell me more about your chig yesterday. How'd you get 'em. How many bites; any?


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I was on the motorcycle. I was headed down an enduro trail that appeared fairly free of vegatation on either side. I came around a bend and leather leaf was very dense on either side of the trail. The passage through was maybe 6 inches so I really brushed up in the leather leaf. All the way up to my shoulders. When I came though, I looked and saw two large masses of chiggers, each about a half dollar wide. they spread quick. I brushed them off but I was wearing black gloves so I didn't know how many got in my gloves. I was wearing light blue jeans and a white shirt. I had to go back through it again, and got more but they were more spread out. It has been over 24 hours and I only got one wimpy bite on my arm. The hot shower and scrub did the trick. Of course brushing them off helped but I think a few got through the thread.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
By the way, I met a hunter today, older guy, seems early, must have been checking his stands. Anyway, he said that tinaction (the athletes foot stuff) keeps chiggers from itching. I never tried that. He uses permathrin.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Permethrin has really impressed me in its ability to repel/kill ticks. However it leaves a lot to be desired with chiggers. Just two days ago I re-treated my clothes since it's been awhile and they have been washed several times. I made it a point to treat my shoes and socks thoroughly. Have gone out for a couple hours each day, but never through any dense brush. And each day I've gotten seveal new chigger bites on my feet.

Of course for all I know it might have been much worse without the Permethrin, but clearly it doesn't have the dramatic effect on chiggers that it does on ticks.